Rover Dave

New Member
Hey all! I have a '90 Range Rover Classic (Silver) and a '98 Discovery (50th Anniversary, White). I'm in Washington State in the USA. I got my Range Rover as payment for building a website and I fell in love, vowing never to own another make of vehicle. The manual described stepping off the pavement as "falling into a silk pillow," which was about the most accurate description I've heard! The discovery is MUCH stiffer; a stuffy, "look at me" vehicle that doesn't feel like half the toughy the RR is. I still love it, with all it's problems, but I guess I got spoiled with the Range Rover. I'll never own another American or Japanese car in my life. I have nothing but admiration for the Brits for making the ultimate off-road vehicle. I feel that I could drive the deep outback of Australia or far into the Sahara without need of support in my trusty Range Rover!
a yank that loves landys you feeling ok..? :D
most come on here to chops how bad they are :p we all know there the best :D

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