It depends. Personally, I'd say that it's very over priced for a TD5 90, at least by 5 grand if you paid £16,995. A new truck cab isn't much more than that. It's barely been driven though what with such low milage and it looks immaculate. Still think you've probably paid over the odds.

will it hold its value if i keep it in good condition?every land rover 90 i looked at was about that sort of money but with more miles!
will it hold its value if i keep it in good condition?every land rover 90 i looked at was about that sort of money but with more miles!

It will not maintain it's value of £16,995 and I don't understand how a garage has managed to sell it to you at that price. If you were to sell it privately today, I think that you would be lucky to get £11,000 for it. There is no need to worry though. What it will do, is maintain a value of anything between £5,500 and £8,500 depending on how well you look after it and thats for years to come. It should be able to fetch that amount in ten years time. Considering it's a low milage, tidy example I wouldn't be wanting to sell it so readily anyway - make the most of it and use it for many years. It''ll easily outlast you provided you keep the chassis waxoiled, the engine well maintained (i.e. oil and filter changes once a year or once ever two years). If you're starting to worry about how much you paid for it, look at it this way: it's nearly new! You could have just walked into a showroom and bought a Land Rover in the same condition for about £3,000 more and to be honest, you've got a better engine with the TD5 than the newer Defenders have with the Ford Puma engine. Plus you've got a few toys on there such as the snorkle, the roof rack and alloy wheels shod with decent tyres for example. When you do want to sell it (if you do) in 5 years time or so, you'll still fetch £7,000 for it if it's immaculate with a good service history. Enjoy it first though and make the most of it :D You'll struggle to find one in better condition than the one you've bought. One other thing - it's a Land Rover, so don't use it with the thought of selling it in mind. Use it for yourself and make the most of it. If it collects a few scratches, scrapes or bruises along the way, you know that it's being used right. if you do have to sell it, they are easily sorted. A lot of people will quite happily buy a Defender with a few battle scars though - they look more genuine and the buyer knows that the seller hasn't gone all out to cover something up.

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so how much would it off been when new as i was told it was £28.000!at least it will hold its value better then the vauxhall i traded in for it,also how many mpg should i get driving steady.thanks for your help.
It will have been worth about £28,000 new yes. If you take a look on the Land Rover website, it says that the Defender starts at £19,740. Thats the price for the very basic, out of the factory Land Rover Defender 90 Pick up. It has no fancy toys, white steel wheels and basic tyres. What you have is a few models up. You have a Land Rover Defender 90 Station Wagon, so you have a roof at the back, side windows, alpine windows (in the roof which are also an additional extra), rear seats, alloy wheels, decent tyres, a snorkel and a roof rack. So the 'new' value of your Land Rover will be something similar to what the salesman has told you. Land Rovers don't really tend to loose their value. What they do however, is drop to a kind of 'level'. For the TD5 you're talking between the figures I suggested earlier and then the better examples of the TD5 (like yours) will fetch the higher end of the scale, where as the abused, mal-serviced examples will fetch the lower end of the scale.

With regards to economy, you should be able to get around 30mpg out of the TD5 providing you drive it properly. Inner city driving will decrease economy to around 25mpg, where as a good motor-way run will see it doing about 35mpg. So you can start to worry about your fuel costs a little bit too now! Generally speaking though, they're not that bad on fuel.

thanks you very much pos,this is the first 90 i have had, all the ones i have looked at so far have been ok but the wife did not like them and as she will be driving it as well i had to find one that she liked and she liked this one, looks good and with a/c and heated seats we are all happy!!just need to get the forward facing seats and the kids will be happy for mpg i live on the isle of wight so no motorways for us, think the car she drives gives her about 30 mpg so i will be very happy to see 30mpg out of the 90.
the one on the Hartwells site was a bargain, fully loaded low miles - tidy

that's why it's now sold
If you're happy with what you paid for it don't worry about it.

There maybe cheaper ones about but finding them is usually a problem when you've got the money.

All Land Rovers are worth whatever someone will pay for them.

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