I have a 2002 l322 that I've had for 4 years and to be fair apart from the odd niggle it hasn't given me much trouble. I also have a 2012 Westminster tdv8 which I pay the extended warranty for £1255.00 for a years piece of mind I think it's worth it . It also covers any mot failure and full assistance.
Typically newer cars should have less faults

New cars are several orders of magnitude more complex than old ones. Hence, they are significantly more fragile, and significantly more expensive to fix. Its your money, so it's your call - but go into it with your eyes open.

Your analogy about the £1K rangey was half right - but you wouldn't need the £34K for maintenance.
£35k is no mans land a bit as it will still be hit by fairly large depreciation and as the car gets older the depreciation slows down dramatically. I think if i had the money i would buy something around the £20K-£25K mark.
i was looking at the 5.0 supercharged like this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201620655657?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT, but then remebered i didn't have any cash so i am still fixing up mine.
There are some nice L322s around for £20K and I would look for a reputable dealer that is offering a warranty
£35k is no mans land a bit as it will still be hit by fairly large depreciation and as the car gets older the depreciation slows down dramatically. I think if i had the money i would buy something around the £20K-£25K mark.
i was looking at the 5.0 supercharged like this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201620655657?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT, but then remembered i didn't have any cash so i am still fixing up mine.
There are some nice L322s around for £20K and I would look for a reputable dealer that is offering a warranty

I agree wholeheartedly with this. spend less money on the vehicle - save it for the inevitable repairs, and get a warranty. IME, the middle ground / no mans land price wise is always a bit of a risk. The reputable dealer bit might take a bit of doing, but they must be out there!

One thing I'd add, is to budget for diagnostics. ( plenty of advise on here about which ) - you'd then be able to fix some of the daft stuff that goes wrong in less time than it takes to take it back to the garage!
thanks all
I'm going to stick with my 12 plate Evoque which is faultless so far, I've not been inspired with confidence by what I have read here or anywhere else to be honest about the FF. I'm sure they are a world apart to drive and sit in, but I seriously don't have the time or patience for a constant stream of expensive niggles to fix, and can do without the worry owning one of the chocolate-engined Porsche 997's too. It seems that that's what these cars present their owners with. Whilst I could buy an older one for less and save the cash for repairs, at some point I would pass the break even point and besides I don't want the hassle.
I had an 03 plate 4.4v8 L322 with LPG a few years ago. Lovely car, sounded great and didn't have any real problems with it. Quite a few niggley things when I first had it but the dealer sorted them. I'd have another when/if the Defender novelty wears off

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