
New Member
hi lads,
any advice on a good warranty, i've just brought a range rover vogue 2001 shape and the dealer is trying to sell me a warranty with it but i'm not to keen on what there offering, 6 months free but i can upgrade this to a platinum warranty for a year for £595 by trading the first 6 months free and paying the £595,but since then i have realised by law i get a 6 month period after i buy a car of a dealer to take it back, so sounds like a bit of salesman lies to get me to buy a years warranty so because of this, i'am intrested in a years warranty as i've heard these cars can be expensive if go wrong,
so any help and advice please:)
In my opinion warranties are a waste of time you are best to have the car inspected before you buy. Most of the things are wear and tear items that fail on a range rover and are usaly excluded from the warranty.
best off with a land rover approved warranty, forget other extended warranties, they ain't worth the paper they're printed on.
I have an extended warrantee, but the car has to have had less that 100,000 miles on the clock and you have to have the service done ( when the manufacturer recommends) by someone who is VAT registered (so not necessarily a main dealer) and it covers most of the big items, and about 95% of the bits on the Landy, you can only make 2 clams a year, and not exceeding 3k a year, now all of this is off the top of my head, so i have just given you the "Bones" of it, if you (or anyone else) is interested i will dig the docks out and give you proper details, names and phone numbers, its not the AA but has something to do with them

I have used it 3 times 1 was a transmission and the other all the ECUs (cant remember the 3rd time) but i have no problem with them covering me or paying up, i just sent my receipt of the service with the vat # on it and they paid up, and they got in touch with the Landy Dealer and sorted everything out

The most interesting bit was, that the dealers gave me a quote, i then told the guy that i had the warrantee from and gave him that quote, he nearly choked on the phone, he got on to the dealers, and gave them the price!! and the dealer accepted it, the warrantee guy phoned me back telling me what to pay (they reimburse you after you have paid) the dealer knocked over 40% off the bill!!
I also looked into this when I renewed my warranty. I had paid about £1500 for a LR warranty on a L322 Vogue 4.4, in that period I had 2 claims first was to replace a mirror the second was a front diff/prop failure. There were no issues with either claim, certainly cheaper than not having one. When I came to renew I looked around the cheapest non LR was about £850, but for me there were too many ifs and buts so stuck with the LR one.
Here is a novel suggestion that i have found to be a good idea, take the £595 they want for the 2nd 6months and put it in a savings account.
It earns some interest and if something goes wrong you can dip into it. Money experts say that if you do this when ever you are tempted to take out and insurance product i.e. on a TV, camera etc. you will be very unlucky to loose money and may end up with an savings account to buy toys with afterwards.:D
Here is a novel suggestion that i have found to be a good idea, take the £595 they want for the 2nd 6months and put it in a savings account.
It earns some interest and if something goes wrong you can dip into it. Money experts say that if you do this when ever you are tempted to take out and insurance product i.e. on a TV, camera etc. you will be very unlucky to loose money and may end up with an savings account to buy toys with afterwards.:D

You are right the 'money experts' say this, but in my case I would have been somewhat out of pocket since LR are not cheap to repair.

The thing with insurance is that it gives peace of mind and hope you never need to claim
The thing is the front prop on the l322 was a common fault and replaced by landrover with a modified item regardless of warranty, so far you have paid £1500 for a mirror.
The thing is the front prop on the l322 was a common fault and replaced by landrover with a modified item regardless of warranty, so far you have paid £1500 for a mirror.

That maybe the case, however the car had the recall done early last year, confirmed all OK. End of last year is when I had the problem.

I guess it is horses for courses, to my mind owning a vehicle with potential expensive failures I'd prefer peace of mind, also helps when it comes to selling the car.
If you're considering an independant inspection, definately get a local LR expert to check it out. i bought a 2001 dhse recently and got the AA to do a full inspection. Turned out, the AA contracted it out to some other cowboys who didn't even spot that the spare tyre was holed and the drivers mirror was unsecure. they still charged £275 for the check though. When i queried it with them they basicly said i was lying! maybe just a one off bad experience but i would avoid AA and 'car checkers'
When i queried it with them they basicly said i was lying!

I HATE insurance company’s and for THEM to say you are a bit like the pot calling the kettle black, i think 99.09% of them are scum and rip off artists and the honest 00.01% made a mistake and forgot to rip you off, they will try and wriggle there way out of most clams on any type of insurance not just cars, i have a 1958 Series 2 , they want ME to pay an independent to come around and look at it, so he can put an estimate on it for me, so why should i pay someone to look and give me an estimate on my Landy for them? that’s not my job, its them that’s insuring it and if they want a value on it, then they should come around and appraise it for themselves, i think that a bloody cheek, so i told them to stick it where the sun don’t shine, there’s lots of others out there willing to take my hard earned cash off me and rip me off less!!
I certainly think you need to have a look at the small print and see what is actually covered and what the criteria iyou have to stick to in keeping the policy valid, some can be sneaky and if you miss something, when you comes to claiming you can end up with your fingers burnt.

If you know someone who you trust then its always best to go over the car yourself and check as much as you can even if it does take a while going over the car. Like any car things can go wrong, If your confident enough about the car then bank the money for anything which may crop up, but if you want total peace of mind and its not going to break your bank account too much and the policy seems ok then go for it.

Good luck whatever you decide :)
Spinners, you said that the front prop on the l322 was a common fault and replaced by landrover with a modified item regardless of warranty, can you just let me know is this correct and how do i find out more because in June I forked out £1500 and no one at Land Rover would advise me.
Spinners, you said that the front prop on the l322 was a common fault and replaced by landrover with a modified item regardless of warranty, can you just let me know is this correct and how do i find out more because in June I forked out £1500 and no one at Land Rover would advise me.

You will be able to find out what recalls have been done on your car. Mine was checked and deemed to be OK, but 8 months after that I had a failure which was covered by the warranty.

Also phone the LR Warranry people directly, you should have a card with their number, I found them more helpful than some of the dealers.

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