
Active Member
There I was, sat in my 1997 v8 Disco 1, merrily munching away on a double sausage and egg McMuffin meal, when I (and I'm maybe two stone or so overweight!) had a strange sort of vibrating palpitation combined with some strange pinging/snapping sounds and a sudden sensation of falling. My first thought was that, being somewhat unfit, I had just had a warning sign with some sort of mild heart murmur or stroke. But then realised that I was now sitting some three or four inches lower and looking through the steering wheel rather than over it, and thus deduced that my seat had collapsed.

I'm now on a diet and driving around in a position more akin to a sports car than a 4x4, and bleedin' uncomfortable it is to boot. So does anyone know of where I can find a used drivers seat? I'm watching one on ebay at the moment but that doesn't end for another four days, and we are moving house at the moment so may well miss out on it. I've googled but to no avail. I'm in Hungerford, Berkshire (RG17) and quite happy to travel 40 odd miles to collect one at a fair price.

Any help and advice is very welcome, thank you.
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I know this feeling! I had to get a new seat for mine, but I bought both front seats at the time, so have a spare passenger seat - would that be of use?? it would mean the seat adjustment would be on the wrong side. My wagon is a 1994 tdi, dont know if they changed the mountings? email me ( ) if this is of interest. I live near Witney, work Didcot, so could arrange something.
Regards, Peter.
I know this feeling! I had to get a new seat for mine, but I bought both front seats at the time, so have a spare passenger seat - would that be of use?? it would mean the seat adjustment would be on the wrong side. My wagon is a 1994 tdi, dont know if they changed the mountings? email me ( ) if this is of interest. I live near Witney, work Didcot, so could arrange something.
Regards, Peter.

Thanks, I may well get back to you in I can't find a drivers side one.
There's a place in Pererborough... Is that too far?

Thanks, but yes a little bit to far at just over 100 miles each way. But thank you anyway (too uncomfortable to drive that far also, sat pretty much on the floor and everything - must get a cushion!)
£49.35 best price so far from VPRS near Hull (through - including postage etc, seem ok unless anyone knows better? It is the wrong colour though, but then again I can't see the seat when I'm in the car so guess it doesn't matter.
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