We are back to mid wales in feb.
Great photos, I only ever take my iPhone, but I may have a rethink this time. Thanks for sharing.
Ps love the series.
holy smokes, my mate has just bought a disco county, in epsom, has just fitted 33x12.5s, is about to fit arches and 6x light bar, its gonna be identical! :D

Thats quite ironic as I was planning on leaving it almost standard just with ATs for laning, then I saw yours on here thought I like that it looks nails and then started spending money.
Haha nice one, guess what my mate is modelling his around :D

There's gonna be 3 identical discos driving around Chesh before long :p
Great pics, the wading looks way OTT. I was went part way along the Strata lane only yesterday as I am working there.

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