I know a indi garage who's moto
Is on a post card with lots of apes climbing over a 90

Don't let an monkey fix your landy :)
Ive been waiting for this second part of the film

Im just hopeing they havent gone way over the top with what the Apes can do and special effects ect :bump2:
90,100,130 are classed as pickup trucks

The original Land Rover concept (a cross between a light truck and a tractor) is similar to the Unimog, which was developed in Germany during this period.

Land Rover Series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

at the time of its development it would have been considered a utility , a term that was used during the wartime period, it certainly would not have been called a truck , or pickup which was a term that came about much later, possibly originating on your side of the pond . later on they were designated light utility , certain models , as is listed on most of the reg documents (UK) that is . htsh

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