David Leech

Well-Known Member
2001 TD5 110 Hardtop
A bit out of my depth here, even with a snorkel. I have no light on the panel when I turn on my side lights. The leds at the the green 'circle' should illuminate. I have positive power going in at 20/20, Red/Orange wire. I'm only using a 5w bulb as a tester but I have power entering the board, travelling along the 'yellow line' and at the two points in the white 'circle'. Can't find power further than that, but when I saw the price of the panel I'll admit to not trying too hard. Most other light are working, both positive and negative. Red 'circle' is handbrake, that is a negative, got that working but it was at the switch on the handle.
So, is it likely that just the 'side lights' have stopped working/blown? Any other simple tests that I can do? Or should I just move on and use the illuminated cigarette lighter as a guide as to when my lights are on. Thanks in advance............

I doubt a 12v 5 watt bulb will work well as a tester. You could use it to check if the 12v from the lights is getting to the board. If so, you'll probably need a logic tester or 5v led on wires to test the operation of the leds/board.
Poss knackered pcb, could be bad earth maybe? You checked the supply to the warning light panel when you turn on side lights right? The diodes can blow but unlikely? I have a spare warning lamp unit I can sell you if you don't solve it
Thanks alexc2701, I've got the loan of a 'multimeter' so I'll see if I can make any progress with that later in the week. If I think I need to replace the panel I'll keep you in mind.............
So I fixed the problem in a roundabout way. I ordered green 12v Leds from my friend in China who put them on a slow boat for me. I tested them on a battery and they're very bright so I had to come up with some way to 'dull' them down a bit.

Light Panel.....

The Leds are 3mm. If I drilled a hole of that size the 'power' of the bulb was too strong so I drilled a 2.5mm hole and wriggled the bit.

2.5mm hole oversized.....

I was then able to fit the Led without it actually peeping into the housing. A spot of glue to secure.

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Assembled in reverse order!.....

I soldered my tails onto the connectors feeding the panel, I couldn't get the pins out so just spliced them to the appropriate wires. And I now have a "Side Lights" illumination on the dash. It's a different green to the 'Flashers' but that's no problem. And it's as bright as the blue 'Full Beam' so not overpowering in any way. Another success....so far

Lights On.....

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