
Hi All,
New to the Range Rover scene. I have a 97 DSE 2.5 Auto.

Every so often I get the ingector / engine management light flash on (Very Quickly).

It seems to be when I lift off the accelarator and without braking, doesn't always happen.

Is it an issue?


That light normally signifies a problem with one of the temp sensors, and puts the engine managemnt into a safe map. i.e. no turbo boost.
I would check the temp sensors for loose conections. Not your water temp, but the sensor around the intake.
I have had a similiar problem on my 2.5 diesel p38 the light was coming on when I came off the throttle but some times mine would cut out. was a faulty injector pump had to have a recon pump fitted .
I have had a similiar problem on my 2.5 diesel p38 the light was coming on when I came off the throttle but some times mine would cut out. was a faulty injector pump had to have a recon pump fitted .

Hi i've my car just started cutting out tonight twice in 400 yards, about a week ago i felt it miss fire on idle but been fine till today.

Does this sound like yours ?
Also check the accelerator, it's fly by wire and they do give trouble from time to time.

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