
New Member
Hi- recently got 21 year old 110 - not got a manual yet so I'm in the dark! Warning light on (looks like an overhead view of 4 wheels and axles - like a squashed H) -does this mean the diff lock is on? If so, I cant get the diff lock off! I have tried moving the stumpy gear stick but the light stays on. Could it be a fault in the light- I dont want to drive it incaase the diff lock is really on and I do some damage! I would appreciate advice from people in the know! Thanks
yes, that's the diff lock light. If it won't go off have a look at the linkage from the transfer box lever ("stumpy" gear stick) to the transfer box, to do this you need to slide underneath the vehicle. You'll probably find it is covered in mud. Remove the mud from the linkage and spray with WD40 or similar then try moving the lever again. After a few attempts it should free up and then the light should go out when you've successfully disengaged diff lock.
agree with sean, its usually the light, but if the little lever is engaged over to the right then you wont be in difflock, light or no light. If it hasnt been used in a while then try all the gears to free it up.

all of the above are correct.....pull it to the right to disengage then drive a few yards...the easiest way to tell if its the light or is actually still engaged is drive it....(slowly incase it is locked in) youl feel everything'tight' if its in and 'as normal' if its out and just a faulty sender/light
Thanks everyone for your help- thats brilliant. I will try to sort it out tomorrow and see whats happens... Cheers

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