The press were told mondeo man was the victim, shorry sales targettype person LR wanted to sell to. Traditional vague steering on 4x4's wouldn't appeal. Hence the bias to the front. It is noticeable when you remove the prop that Freelander feel more “free”. Certainly is on mine. With it being the v6 you only have to feather it and the front wheels squeal with prop removed. With 4x4 you don't get this.
never found disco rr etc vague on steering ,only when worn ,only confirms what i was told then then which was before fl were introduced
2x4 or 4x4?

never found disco rr etc vague on steering ,only when worn ,only confirms what i was told then then which was before fl were introduced

I had a RangeRover in the early 80s - a great lumbering baby elephant of a thing - incredible imprecise steering.

You had to start turning the wheel well before a corner. It had huge suspension travel, so had fearsome roll on the corners as well.

Best driven sedately - so not for me.

Ok, so as a newbie here to a quite nice 1.8 late 2000 xreg ES on what I now understand to be an amazing 86k, can someone tell me how much it would cost me to get a local mechanic to get the VCU off and on again? In between that I'll be posting it off to the great Bell Engineering. I'm guesing at this mileage (also feeling stiff on full reverse turn etc) it's probably well and truly fecked!

Although I must admit I haven't done the jack one wheel test yet.
My local garage charged me for 2 hours labour to remove the VCU and the props, separate the bits (that's the tricky part involving heat and big hammers as the splines rust up) and refit with new mounts/bearings.

Even with care they will probably wreck the old bearings getting them off.

False economy not to fit new ones anyway as you can get a pair of genuine GKN mounts with FAG bearings for under £30 from Foundry4X4

Far better of
£200 for a recon unit is a much better price and Bell's come with lots of recommendations.

For that sort of money you could buy the bearings and VCU, change it yourself and then have plenty of cash left.
Don't take much convincing me where to get my bits when the time comes;)

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