I take it you mean a good rust free one for the price of a rotten old thing? Get to the back of the queue.
Back in the early 90's two REALLY celver guys wrote a website, today, it is probably the biggest website about. This website is amazingly clever, you bascially type in what you are looking for and it comes back with a list of possible results. Many, for years, have kept this website a close guarded secret, but, i'm feeling generous and today shall let you in on the little secret of its name... its called... GOOGLE


I have, however, done you a favour, try this:

345879 (TYPE 1) PWC

If you need a different age one to that one then just :search: on their site or ring them up.
I am restoring a series 2a. My bulkhead is rotten for top 9 inches.
Can anyone suggest where to get a replacement , new or in excellent condition or how to get this one restored.

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