Dirty dog

New Member
Hi - this is my second post .. The first one went missing!?!? Anyway my car has finally given up the ghost and I am seriously considering buying the vehicle I have dreamt about owning since I was 5 . Landrover defender 90 . I live just outside Newcastle upon Tyne and have a next door neighbour who is an enthusiastic owner of a series2 ( yesterday he said he's buying a aeries1 next ) my wife reckons ( since I never want to buy another car after thus purchase) that I should throw money at this purchase and get something that already has all the kit on and is galvanised etc. ( I'm not good with car maintenance but I'm prepared to learn). How much should I concider spending ?? I was thinking 6-7 grand but the missus reckons 10-12 ?? Any help woul be .. Er .. A great help . I've seen a couple advertised local to me and they look great and are in the 10-12 price range . Anybody got advice?
10/12 mate you got no probs wish my wife would let me spend that mutch lol

My wife has absolutely no say in how I spend the money I earn, put your bloody trousers on man. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

As for having 10/12 grand to spend on a tricked up Deepender, you're gonna get a bloody good one for that. :cool:
Firstly, keep looking. Don't restrict yourself to just the first or second you see in your local area.

Secondly, for 10-12k you can get a lovely TD5 90 so don't settle for second best.

Thirdly, if you don't know much about landy's think about asking your neighbour to look at any you are thinking of buying. He might have a series, but apart from the electronics and the springs all Land Rovers are pretty much the same with the same failings.

Fourthly, don't be seduced by lots of add ons and bling. They may have cost the previous owner 000's but unless they are essential, your money is best spent on the base vehicle.

If you don't know much about mechanicing you should budget for a major service once you've bought it - unless it comes with documentary evidence of a recent service.

If you're buying from a dealer, which in your position is not necessarily a bad thing, go for an independent specialist rather than a main dealer or a standard second hand dealer who knows little about Land Rovers.

Age of a Land Rover is not as important as it is with ordinray vehicles. Condition and past use is more important.

Finally, spend a few hours looking at Land Rovers avilable for sale on the net. Dealers; forums like this; ebay; just so you get a feel for what your money can buy. And read the advice about buying Land Rovers in the magazines or on this and other (heresy:eek:) Landy web sites.

Good Luck
Thanks tazz - I had a test drive on this machine at the weekend . It's right at the top of my budget but like I said before . I'm looking for the one car to rule them all .. Very clean 1999 td5 ImageUploadedByTapatalk1342647268.996006.jpg
What do you think ??
if your looking for an offroading machine i'd suggest nunny's too, wont be as tidy as the one you showed us but a hell of alot more capable, plus you don't have to worry about scratching it ;)
Welcome to the forum mate, good to see someone else from the NE interested in doing a bit of off-roading :D
Yeah - apparantly there is a great offroad spot up near cramlington . Going for a second test drive on Sunday - am I mental spending all this money ?? If the bugger breaks down I'll be relying on you lot to advise me .
I just spent nigh on 15k on my 90, so I wouldn't worry about it. I've not heard of this place in Cramlington... Is it one of these pay and play places?

I went out for a bit of green-lanning the other day near Wolsingham... Probably about 2 miles... I met some rough stuff that I didn't fancy tackling on my own (not that one should even be green laning on their own haha) but with a properly equipped truck it should be fine!

Let us know how the drive goes!
Thanks tubes - yeah it's a pay and 'diaplay' ;) . Would be interested to see a photo of your Wagon. what age is it?

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