I'd always wanted a 90 but now that I've got one with hindsight I wouldn't have minded a bit of extra space and will definitely be getting a 110 if I buy another
I really wanted a 110, but it is a lack of comfort that made me walk away. I like going on long drives without having my teeth shaken out of my skull and my right arm getting frost bite because I need the window open to steer.
I really wanted a 110, but it is a lack of comfort that made me walk away. I like going on long drives without having my teeth shaken out of my skull and my right arm getting frost bite because I need the window open to steer.

So you didn't buy a Land Rover in the end then? :D
I wouldn't mind a 110 at a pinch but its a lack of space that means I need a 90 :) not really got room to park a 110

A 110 isn't any longer than an average family saloon. Like you I favoured a 90 until I looked at the amount of storage space. Unless you just want 2/3 seats then you shouldn't rule a 110 out.
A 110 isn't any longer than an average family saloon. Like you I favoured a 90 until I looked at the amount of storage space. Unless you just want 2/3 seats then you shouldn't rule a 110 out.


Cost more to run though wont it? Hauling that big body around?
His seat box may have been chopped as it doesn't have a defender gearbox.if its been done ok should be smoother gearbox but a higher ratio so better mpg.

Passenger door is a common issue. Its the mechanism not the handle as people suspect. Theres a little spring that gives after year of use. The whole unit cost £25 max.

Update. Seat box loosely covered. Pretty sure its been chopped. If you don't like it, you'll need a defender gearbox and a seat box which will cost but if the vehicle is nice offer him away from ebay
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His seat box may have been chopped as it doesn't have a defender gearbox.if its been done ok should be smoother gearbox but a higher ratio so better mpg.

Passenger door is a common issue. Its the mechanism not the handle as people suspect. Theres a little spring that gives after year of use. The whole unit cost £25 max.

Only thing I really don't like about that is the raised suspension with standard springs?????
I just hope you have more luck than me - find an absolute minter and then have some bastard drive straight into the front of you and trash it.

Good luck in your search though - once you find 'the one', it'll be best motor you'll ever have. You're doing the right thing.

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