**** me - yu is bloody touchy - my comment was a light hearted comment about the posting of yo "company" - As yu pointed out that it was a Landyzone run, I cannot see the significance of a third party organisation being mentioned :rolleyes:.
We know that 90boy can organise good laning trips. I have, in some small way helped him with the lanes in the Lake District. He wasnt so quick to jump then! A lot of us also have experience of Pikeys leading as well, including the three point turns:D.

I am glad yu had a good weekend. It is with some regret, I couldnt go on it. But will enjoy the pics and vids.
**** me - yu is bloody touchy - my comment was a light hearted comment about the posting of yo "company" - As yu pointed out that it was a Landyzone run, I cannot see the significance of a third party organisation being mentioned :rolleyes:.
We know that 90boy can organise good laning trips. I have, in some small way helped him with the lanes in the Lake District. He wasnt so quick to jump then! A lot of us also have experience of Pikeys leading as well, including the three point turns:D.

I am glad yu had a good weekend. It is with some regret, I couldnt go on it. But will enjoy the pics and vids.

the third party organisation was mentioned as sarcasm i do believe due to 90boys post quotin johnlads post with the word snigger :)

see post 630 :)
**** me - yu is bloody touchy - my comment was a light hearted comment about the posting of yo "company" - As yu pointed out that it was a Landyzone run, I cannot see the significance of a third party organisation being mentioned :rolleyes:.
We know that 90boy can organise good laning trips. I have, in some small way helped him with the lanes in the Lake District. He wasnt so quick to jump then! A lot of us also have experience of Pikeys leading as well, including the three point turns:D.

bit hard not to have it mentioned when its all part of our signatures and the stickers are on the landys so they'll be splashed all over the piccy threads, so i guess we'll all just have to live with it wont we and stop back biting before it gets out of hand.
the third party organisation was mentioned as sarcasm i do believe due to 90boys post quotin johnlads post with the word snigger :)

see post 630 :)

wot planet yu on Minty?
my :nospamhere: was to johnlads post. It was 90boy that said "grow up daft". My other replies were to his touchyness.
wot planet yu on Minty?
my :nospamhere: was to johnlads post. It was 90boy that said "grow up daft". My other replies were to his touchyness.

Yes johnlads post which happened to be a bit of sarcasm/humour ... well thats how I read it and Im sure 90boy read it the same with the reply of snigger. :)

and if it was johnlads post you was replyin to with :nospamhere:.... try and use the qoute button ;);)
Cant see the sigs, Muddy - so I cant comment on that.:D.
I have no say in the posting of links, or not. As I said, it was a lighthearted pop at the posting. You dunn half bite quickly tho :D
Cant see the sigs, Muddy - so I cant comment on that.:D.
I have no say in the posting of links, or not. As I said, it was a lighthearted pop at the posting. You dunn half bite quickly tho :D
its been a long weeknd mate all a bit knaked dont want to fall out with you as we have been mates for a long time mis understanding and leave it as that
Not biting, far from just think its all a bit childish really coming from a guy like yourself. I read it as banter but thats my nature, but it is getting a bit like a school yard tiff, at the end of the day it had nothing to do with our off the forum activities as it was a lz run so cant we just leave it at that and move on ffs.
Not biting, far from just think its all a bit childish really coming from a guy like yourself. I read it as banter but thats my nature, but it is getting a bit like a school yard tiff, at the end of the day it had nothing to do with our off the forum activities as it was a lz run so cant we just leave it at that and move on ffs.

childish? - dont be silly - this is LZ :D :p
Yes johnlads post which happened to be a bit of sarcasm/humour ... well thats how I read it and Im sure 90boy read it the same with the reply of snigger. :)

and if it was johnlads post you was replyin to with :nospamhere:.... try and use the qoute button ;);)

my posting was mean't as humour, some people should try to broaden there minds and realise not everything people say serious,
ere johnlad... do you think daft will go on me list of peeps that hate me ;) :D

i have a list of people that when i go the doctors and they say youve only got 6 months to live will be getting a visit, so you see every cloud has a silver lining
i have a list of people that when i go the doctors and they say youve only got 6 months to live will be getting a visit, so you see every cloud has a silver lining

Yu int getting my address. I don't want ya blubbering all over me doorstep whinging about the way yu've wasted ya life. :D :D :rolleyes:

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