Looks like you could be in for a good one, rain today, heavy rain tomorrow and rain sat too. Might be a bugger for the barbie but should hopefully make the lanes interesting for you all.

Have fun and dont forget piccys ;)
Well i am half loaded up will have to sort the rest out when i get home from work 2moro got to got and lay a garage floor the concreate is coming at 11 so i should be done for 1 home for 2 and hopefully in llangollen for 6
bit late for this trip now but ive just got hold of a snorkel kit at last £60 for a southdown one just a shame i cant get it fitted for this weekend.
got yourself a bargain there mate. in a way im glad i didnt bid now it would have been a bit **** bidding against a fellow lz'er ;)
Had a great day eveyone has got stuck used all winches fooking great beat days laming yet wmty damage done, and a long day as well 10 hours laning, one repair one running repair as Johnlad has had no brakes all day plenty of pics
got back safe, excellent trip, Baz you mist a good afternoon

Nice one

Had a slow journey back , bent steering arm and a wobble :D , but what a cracking weekend of lanes.

Heard darren on the cb, after we turned off, he was stopping with a problem, went back but couldn't find him , Rick was with him though .

Sort some pics out later
think my brake problem was caused by front wheel bearing failure allowing the wheels to wobble which pushed the pads off the disc, hence pumping the pedal brought the brakes back and explains why no air in pipes or leaks and a droning noise on the way home-just need the part numbers for td5 defender wheel bearings if anyone knows them
Just sat down, What a great weekend of lanes, some of the best we have done yet, First time we have all got stuck and had to use everybodys winch cracking pics will follow when i get a chance
think my brake problem was caused by front wheel bearing failure allowing the wheels to wobble which pushed the pads off the disc, hence pumping the pedal brought the brakes back and explains why no air in pipes or leaks and a droning noise on the way home-just need the part numbers for td5 defender wheel bearings if anyone knows them

Give cavendish motors a call and he will give it to you pal and they are pretty good on prices aswell matey. 01246 231156
most interesting part was coming along the second to last lane and we come meet 2 very stuck discos they had been there 2 hours no way of geting out with out help as they had no winch, so we had to rescue them, but ffs to get where they did with no kit they must be mad

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