
Well-Known Member
So I'm heading up to mid Wales for a couple of days over new year with a mate of mine and our respective partners. We're planning on getting a day of laning in either the 30th or 31st while the girls go off to do something of their own. we go laning regularly locally with just the one vehicle but being as we'll be somewhere a bit unfamiliar I wondered if anyone else wanted to come along so there was more than one truck. We're staying near the Elan Valley and planning on doing Strata Florida and some other lanes in that area, not looking for a guide or anything just some company!
So I'm heading up to mid Wales for a couple of days over new year with a mate of mine and our respective partners. We're planning on getting a day of laning in either the 30th or 31st while the girls go off to do something of their own. we go laning regularly locally with just the one vehicle but being as we'll be somewhere a bit unfamiliar I wondered if anyone else wanted to come along so there was more than one truck. We're staying near the Elan Valley and planning on doing Strata Florida and some other lanes in that area, not looking for a guide or anything just some company!
I'm working new year :(
Before doing Strata check local weather reports for the days before you go and make an intelligence based estimation of the potential amount of flowing water. When you do Strata be wary of this flow of water. If only a couple of vehicles also be wary of crossing the river sections together, always have one vehicle on dry land and consider a winch line between the first and second vehicle in case of difficulties.

Have fun ...
Before doing Strata check local weather reports for the days before you go and make an intelligence based estimation of the potential amount of flowing water. When you do Strata be wary of this flow of water. If only a couple of vehicles also be wary of crossing the river sections together, always have one vehicle on dry land and consider a winch line between the first and second vehicle in case of difficulties.

Have fun ...
Thanks Paul, yeah more or less everything I've read about Strata suggests that it can be hazardous if it's been v wet so I'll certainly take that into account, plenty of other lanes in the area to keep me occupied I'm sure if it does turn out to be bad.
I'm working new year :(
Sucks dude, funnily enough I've always had to take 2 weeks off over xmas/new year which I find really irritating as I'd much rather take that holiday a bit later in the year. Not this year though, working all the way through save the bank holidays. And the Friday before new year.
Sorry, can't make it.

If you want me to look at your route to check Trailwise etc for TRO's etc send me a copy, either .gps gpx or mmo, whatever. If you don't use a GPS system send me a list of the lanes and route .. ;)

Wales is getting a bit political at the moment, with people ignoring VRO's on such as Happy valley and Bastard Lane and getting them TRO'd ... amongst many others on the borderline of legislation.
Sorry, can't make it.

If you want me to look at your route to check Trailwise etc for TRO's etc send me a copy, either .gps gpx or mmo, whatever. If you don't use a GPS system send me a list of the lanes and route .. ;)

Wales is getting a bit political at the moment, with people ignoring VRO's on such as Happy valley and Bastard Lane and getting them TRO'd ... amongst many others on the borderline of legislation.
Hi Paul, I'm a GLASS members so I'll check trailwise myself, I knew about Happy Valley already. So far I'm intending on heading out from Rhayader where we're staying to strata, hopefully back via the missing link and the byway beside Claerwen, have emailed EVT to seek permission but not heard back yet, then the lane in the valley below the dam, that' as far as I've got so far, have a couple of OS maps on my Xmas list so will plan further then.
Sorry, didn't know you were in Glass already, just happy to help anywhere I 'know' a little about.

Beautiful route .. did it September last year .. Love the area. Found a great camp site then did a spot of wild camping .. :)
No worries, I'm grateful for the offer anyway! Looks awesome! I've been to the Elan valley as a child and remember being overawed at the water flowing over the top of the dam. Might be a bit cold camping in late December but I'm keen to combine a laning expedition and a wild camp next summer- we had plans to wild camp in Wiltshire/Hampshire over last August bank holiday but we had a few major hiccups and only managed a one day trip.

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