
Well-Known Member
Myself and marmaduke are going on a trip on the 24th-25th of October around strata florida and happy valley with a nights stay at Barmouth somewhere (b&b). Then upto the snowdonia range to meet up with disco924 if you would like to join us let me know as we could take a couple of you with us.
I would have, but I'm going to the Isle of Man laning :D

Now if you said the week after
Spoke to disco924 and the Sunday is full now so only the Saturday. Yeah postpone the iom trip haha. Should be a good one this.
We'll be meeting at Builth Wells but we haven't discussed a time yet so one of us will be in touch nearer the time. Are you up for a few river crossings? Nothing to deep as I haven't got a snorkel and I don't think Danny has either so it might be interesting....
Yeah i'm up for river crossings. I've done strata in full flood before there's nothing on there that requires a snorkel although my fender does have one now. Deepest point was coming to about 4 inches below the air intake
I've got a snorkel mate hoping not to use it to much. If your up for it paul should be a good day out all welcome.
the last time I went wading rob was like this proper wading. when are horses where nearly drowning in a nearby piece of land I had my horses on.
I love that video -
"This is going to get deep!"
"Too deep? we're going to have to go back!!"

Had so many similar exchanges.
"yes this is a bad idea, yes we shouldn't be doing this, yes we'll damage the car and waste money. no I'm not going to stop"
Hahaha that was the day I truly fell in love with my land rover never to parted as it never let me down when I really needed it. All I had to do was put some new headlights in and was sorted and dry the inside out of course.
Well what a weekend. Started off a bit sad for some but these things happen (snapped cambelt). But the rest of the weekend was good got down some good lanes including pig lane. Even had to change paul's wheel in the middle of it as the tyre come of the rim oops. Thanks for a cracking weekend lads you all know who you are.

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