I know you agree with him. Why tell me your points of view unless you think I either don't know the info or understand it. Ginge is a big boy able to look after himself. No need for your tuppence worth really
I know you agree with him. Why tell me your points of view unless you think I either don't know the info or understand it. Ginge is a big boy able to look after himself. No need for your tuppence worth really

I'll put my tuppence worth wherever I feel like just as you are free to do :rolleyes:

I'm wasn't having a go at you but I do think it's important that how and where lane info is given out is talked about.

What I posted may have little or no relevance to the info you passed on and if you do indeed know the OP then great. However that's not how it looks.

There is a general policy on LZ in line with Ginge's post about giving out lane info decided by majority after discussion among senior members but many will not be aware of it if it doesn't get talked about.

I only felt it necessary to throw in my tuppence because you questioned Ginge's view and accused him of double standards.

Ginge is indeed a big boy, in fact much bigger than me but that's a different issue :p
No offence but what a load of garbage. Tangent well and truly gone off on. Here's what happened. Someone asked for help. Ginge showed them how to find lanes with a map. I showed same person a few grid refs that would be on those maps. Ginge had a pop at me. I took exception. A bit of discussion. No one would back down. That's all folks.
It's not garbage it's LZ guideline policy on sharing lane information. If you have an issue with that then it's with a majority of LZ senior membership not me.

It's not about taking pops or backing down and as I said I'm not having a go, it's just how it is.

I'm sorry if you've taken exception but there's no need to take it personally. it's good to talk about it so people know, whether that's you or folk who read the thread later. It's all good :)
Can't see what the big deal is in sending a link to information that's already out there on the internet for anyone to see. No different to posting a link to Trailwise, which is posted in this thread that you've pointed him to -> http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f13/how-find-greenlanes-180764.html

Trailwise is not freely available for use to any muppet that wants to look. Remember this is a public part of the forum and you don't even need to be a member to view it.
Trailwise is not freely available for use to any muppet that wants to look. Remember this is a public part of the forum and you don't even need to be a member to view it.
Yes it is. Not as much info available to none members as members but still available and there to use. Being a public forum is neither here or there in this case, as it was sent via PM, unless anyone has access to the OP's PM's, they aren't going to see the link anyway are they.
not meaning to change the subject chaps.............Ignorance and prejudice and fear walk hand in hand -- RUSH Witch Hunt, great track


Good spot there. thought it was very appropriate. Moving Pictures eh? What an album. Still play it regular.

"Witch Hunt"

The night is black
Without a moon
The air is thick and still
The vigilantes gather on
The lonely torch lit hill

Features distorted in the flickering light
The faces are twisted and grotesque
Silent and stern in the sweltering night
The mob moves like demons possessed
Quiet in conscience, calm in their right
Confident their ways are best

The righteous rise
With burning eyes
Of hatred and ill-will
Madmen fed on fear and lies
To beat and burn and kill

They say there are strangers who threaten us
In our immigrants and infidels
They say there is strangeness too dangerous
In our theaters and bookstore shelves
That those who know what's best for us
Must rise and save us from ourselves

Quick to judge
Quick to anger
Slow to understand
Ignorance and prejudice
And fear walk hand in hand...
Trailwise is not freely available for use to any muppet that wants to look. Remember this is a public part of the forum and you don't even need to be a member to view it.

Read the thread again. I didn't post any info on a public forum I sent a pm.
Can't see what the big deal is in sending a link to information that's already out there on the internet for anyone to see. No different to posting a link to Trailwise, which is posted in this thread that you've pointed him to -> http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f13/how-find-greenlanes-180764.html

Spot on. A pm of unknown content is singled out as a threat to lanings future but this post that I have copied below For today is ok.

Ok then, details below people.

run out this friday the 2nd meeting at:

Hilmorton locks
rugby at 09:00
grid ref: SP 5379 7444

Run out this saturday the 3rd meeting at:

The Green
churchover nr rugby at 09:30
Grid Ref: SP 5098 8071

Replies, pm's, phone calls, carrier pigeon all accepted forms of communication if you want to come. But please let me know or i won't be waiting for you.

Anyone welcome.

You don't need to be coming to LZ10, come along even f you just want a day out laning
. undefined
Read the thread again. I didn't post any info on a public forum I sent a pm.

Oh for goodness sake are you feeling oppressed :rolleyes:

You try reading the thread again and you'll notice that I've already said my comments may or may not apply to your original reply bit are a statement of general policy so people know what it is.

I've no idea why you feel you need to take any of the comments personally because that's not my intention.....

I could try and work myself up to it if you wish :rolleyes:
Wow this certainly escalated beyond all wildest possibilities :eek:

Mr creek, I'm sorry if my comments have upset you, that was not my intention, my intention was and always will be the protection of something i like. I now you've been laning for a long time, possibly for longer than I've been born. Im not having a pop at your credentials. Ive seen your threads and the photos and videos of your and Steve, and others days out. No one as far as i can remember has ever felt the need to question your morals and ethics, i don't either.

I just can't see how telling people you don't know sensitive information makes sense. :confused:

You are however right, once i show other lanes i can't control where the info goes, no one can, all the info that i have and you have is out there for anyone with a brain to find. Usually, not always, but usually, people with half a brain can manage to find legal row without having to ask on a forum. People who ask on forums are usually lazy and can't be arsed finding out, if they can't be arsed to find the lanes themselves i don't think they will be bothered about staying on the legal route or preservation.

All i can do is my bit, and ill continue to do so knowing that I've done what i can.
Hilmorton locks
rugby at 09:00
grid ref: SP 5379 7444

Been to Hillmorton, didn't know there was lanes round there, wouldn't have done me much good, I was in a canal boat at the time.

Interesting discussion :)
Not sure what the correct etiquette is about this, Ive always thought you were both knowledgeable and responsible laners, though I haven't studied the matter.
I had no idea that there was an agreed consensus about this on lz, and I have never seen it discussed. The reason I have never done it was that the guys who first took me laning decades ago never told their routes to anyone except trusted mates IRL. I have always kept to this convention on lz as well.
If it was posting the grids to lanes on an open forum I'd agree, at best they would probably get over used and possibly closed, at worst, a load of muppets go and trash it and the same result. However, sending someone a link via pm to info that's already out there doesn't warrant all the jumping up and down in my opinion. Just saying.
Mr Inge, your holier than thou, I know more than you attitude you adopt when defending laning will boil bladders. You are right in what you say about keeping the dickheads off them. Correct me if I am wrong but lanes are also closed down to avoid repairs and maintenance to hardly used lanes. My thoughts are that if we get more people using them it will make them harder to close. The more people using them correctly the merrier. Just because you don't agree with that doesn't make it wrong and vice versa. The local bus company won't keep a service running if no one gets on the bus. The few dickheads will find and trash lanes anyway. The more good people on them the more chances of them being seen and reported. Do you think clowns would risk teararsing round if there was a chance of being caught?
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Mr Inge, your holier than thou, I know more than you attitude you adopt when defending laning will boil bladders. You are right in what you say about keeping the dickheads off them. Correct me if I am wrong but lanes are also closed down to avoid repairs and maintenance to hardly used lanes. My thoughts are that if we get more people using them it will make them harder to close. The more people using them correctly the merrier. Just because you don't agree with that doesn't make it wrong and vice versa. The local bus company won't keep a service running if no one gets on the bus. The few dickheads will find and trash lanes anyway. The more good people on them the more chances of them being seen and reported. Do you think clowns would risk teararsing round if there was a chance of being caught?

There isn't any need for the personal slander. I haven't once tried to insult you, can we just have an adult conversation/discussion without the little jibes?

Back to it. Yes lanes are closed due to lack of use and thats is why i agree with trail wise and the reporting of it. There is a much bigger problem though with the numpties giving us a bad name. Id be interested to see some figures on what is the biggest cause. Maybe i do need to have a little more faith in people but its hard when I've given lane info out and had it bite me on the backside.

Ive been out today with a chap off the forum and tried not to harp on about responsible laning too much. He's a nice chap and I'm sure will be with the majority and be sensible. I have also done a trip that i cut early because the guys behind me were trying to drive off piste and said they weren't interested in staying on the track as long as they got muddy!

In answer to your point earlier, I know i bang a drum with one beat but its important to me. I don't for a second think i have any more rights or privileges than anyone else.

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