
As every year I go to Wales for my birthday over Christmas. Good couple of days, couple of breakdowns. Good fun all round, bit dissapointed with the state of the wild camping spot at the Strata. We filled a whole black bag with other peoples rubbish.
Wales Xmas 2011.wmv - YouTube
A wild camping spot ain't a wild camping spot if everyone goes there and ****s it up. Sorry to hear you had to tidy up :(

Why can't people be more responsible and tidy up themselves?
A couple of us came through strata in July, there was a group camping there was rubish strewn arround all over, We always try to find virgin wild camps, we burn everything except the bud bottles, we collect these usualy in quite a few bin liners lol and deposit them in bins en route, no hardship really, i dont know why peeps have to leave rubbish there is no excuse for it
That's not bad, last year someone left a blue discovery up on Strata which obviously it turned out to be stolen.
Top man for having a clear up. Hugely impressed.
I recognise the lane at the start of the video, one of my favourites :)
We did Strata a couple of times last year but didn't notice any rubbish, you must have just gone through in front of us :) well done for the clear up.
salute you sir

as the saying goes

leave nothing but footprints - or wheel tracks in our case

and tread lightly

no point going to all the trouble to get off the beaten track if some tosser just messes it up.
Im not telling where we camp when we visit the strata but we always clear up and leave no trace - shame to spoil such a lovely place :)

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