just made the same offer, awaiting there reply. nice one trewy, can you do the same with tirfur 11.2mm winch wire?
:) i got 38mm's off ebay a while back, they are well tough and pretty heavy too! think i paid the same, cant remember. i had to hang around bidding though! well done tre. did they combine postage? stick em back on with the word land rover infront and double your money!
when i am at a show next i am at a show i am gonna get some ex MOD sand trax off of anchor supplies as they are only aboot £17 a pair
This "waffle board" is what is normally and generic called "molded fiberglass grating" and it is used for flooring in industrial buildings.

As for the ebay stuff here are some links:
- Vehicle Bridging Ladders
- Bridging ladderss
The pictures shown on ebay are from Lone Wolf Transglobal Expedition . They chose the 50mm ones. Prep Waffles

There are lots of places to get this stuff, just do a search for < (molded) fiberglass grating > and filter for uk links.

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