
I understand there might be a reason why this isn't a good idea, but have seen someone do this and wondered other views.

I'm looking at fitting a wading kit to my 300 tdi, it already has a snorkel that goes into the air box.

At a resent show someone had the wading kit go into the air box instead of a pipe going up the side of the snorkel, under a view that the snorkel is sealed, so the air can come in through this, and they haven't had any issues.

This certainly looks better, as there isn't any extra tubes outside, but would the vacuum the the engine sucking create any issue by sucking on the wading tube ?

I hope this makes sense, and would appreciate other views.

I don't have any direct experience of this but I was also concerned about the vacuum created inside the airbox or the snorkel.
I have heard of issues with this and even oil being sucked up the tubes.
How deep do you intend wading? I have terminated my wading tube just inside the scuttle under the windscreen as I figured that any deeper would mean that I get wet, and I don't fancy that.
Another method I have heard of and thought about doing myself is to bring the vent tube inside the cabin. I suppose it could sit behind the 'A' pillar trim, out of sight.
I don't have any direct experience of this but I was also concerned about the vacuum created inside the airbox or the snorkel.
I have heard of issues with this and even oil being sucked up the tubes.
How deep do you intend wading? I have terminated my wading tube just inside the scuttle under the windscreen as I figured that any deeper would mean that I get wet, and I don't fancy that.
Another method I have heard of and thought about doing myself is to bring the vent tube inside the cabin. I suppose it could sit behind the 'A' pillar trim, out of sight.

Only do that if you really like the smell of EP oils.
Yes it can suck the oil up the breather thats why its a bad idea. I have a safari snorkel the breather pipe runs up between the a piller and that. It is hard to spot I'll see if I can get a pic up so you can see where it runs
Only do that if you really like the smell of EP oils.

WHS /\ /\ The vents are there to do just that, vent, if you like the smell of cats **** on a sunny day do it otherwise leave it outside...

You could run inside the airbox but if your diff seals are even slightly gone (and lets face it, when its a LR they are generally worn) then you will be doing exactly what your trying to prevent and drawing water in. As for extending to the scuttle, well they already end just below that as standard so not really gaining anything there. Not only that but the scuttle is the first thing to fill with water so not the best place.

Personally I would do whats meant to do and raise them up the snorkle. You could be fancy and run it up the inside of the rear panels and have them finish up there somewhere but it wouldn't be easy to secure it up there and your gonna run the risk of smells in the cab still.
Thanks for all the replies, in the box looked. Neat, but i was concerned about it sucking through the pipe, so looks like i'll be running up the side of the snorkel.

Other than that, is there anything that would be gained by running it into the air box, and have the long pipe run up the snorkel, and out the top, so it's not seen ? Just a idea.
Thanks for all the replies, in the box looked. Neat, but i was concerned about it sucking through the pipe, so looks like i'll be running up the side of the snorkel.

Other than that, is there anything that would be gained by running it into the air box, and have the long pipe run up the snorkel, and out the top, so it's not seen ? Just a idea.

Other than causing a bit of an obstruction nope.

Will put the pic up in the morning as wife is not back untill 22:30
Deffo going to do that as I love the smell of EP oil :decision:

On a similar note;
you may have noticed that it rained a bit the other week, and one morning on my way to work, as I pulled out of a side turning the truck hesitated then 'pooof' a big cloud of grey smoke and off it went as normal.
Didn't really think much of it until this weekend, while it was sunny, I decided to do some checks only to find that the air filter had imploded.
I think that all the rain, some of which obviously went down the snorkel, had made the filter damp and caused it to block, so when I accelerated and the turbo span up it just got sucked inwards.
Not heard of this before but I guess it must be a common problem for those running a snorkel (unless you face it rearwards)
Think I might go back to the K&N filter while the rain persists. :)
you can get problems with tractors with vertical exhausts.... if they aint got a flapper on top , in heavy rain you can get water down the exhaust into the cylinders. i always put an old bean tin over mine if theyre left outside.
Was wondering if anybody would have a picture of we're the disco 2 transfer box and gear box breathers would be?
or does anyone have a pic showing where the pipes come out of the wing, or do you just feed them through the snorkel pipe from inside? Just curious as I will be doing htis soon, and not enough room to feed them out from the wing (used a southdown snorkel wing mount). Cheers
Here is where, I ran my brether. It is out of sight for the most part.




garnted.. that is with a safri snorkal but it works and looks neat.:cool::cool:
Thanks for those pics - really helps where to put them - one question tho - in the second pic where you have the pipe coming out of the bonnet, did you need to drill a whole, or can it be pushed through a gap?
Thanks for those pics - really helps where to put them - one question tho - in the second pic where you have the pipe coming out of the bonnet, did you need to drill a whole, or can it be pushed through a gap?

If you look closely you will see it goes through a gap then under the scuttle panel there is no drilling involved mate.
the reason for axle breathers to keep the presure equil so when the axle heats up and expands the excess air is released rather than pushing it through the bearing seals, if you have a vacume on the axles it may suck in water and **** into the axles!
The other reason is. When the hot axal is rapidly cooled when wading this causes a vacume.
If you are in deep water this can cause water to be sucked into the axel via the brether tube more so for the rear as the tube is not that high up.

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