SRS warning is the bane of my life with the Rangie, have checked every plug and still lit up, that is why I tried the diagnostics just to find out that does not work either but it will not defeat me even if I have to change the whole damn lot.
SRS warning is the bane of my life with the Rangie, have checked every plug and still lit up, that is why I tried the diagnostics just to find out that does not work either but it will not defeat me even if I have to change the whole damn lot.

Looks like you'll be the first into Maplins when the new regs come in then.:D:D:D
So the right coils and shocks will stop it rolling over when taking agressive avoiding action at 70 mph +. Don't think so. Top heavy, speed and inertia
overcomes high vehicles every time. Don't worry we'll send you a get well soon card and some grapes.;););)

the EAS won't either at 70..... no amount of poncy air suspension is going to make a bucket of puss p38 handle, i have been in one during a 50mph avoidance (a proper one i.e. if we didn't get over 2 lanes we would be part of another vehicle and dead) and that was knife edge weather it would tip
the EAS won't either at 70..... no amount of poncy air suspension is going to make a bucket of puss p38 handle, i have been in one during a 50mph avoidance (a proper one i.e. if we didn't get over 2 lanes we would be part of another vehicle and dead) and that was knife edge weather it would tip

Ok try that on springs and let me know how you get on. No rush, when you get out of hospital will do.
Ok try that on springs and let me know how you get on. No rush, when you get out of hospital will do.

no thanks i will avoid the p38 like the plague if you don't mind .... if i wanted a vehicle with as many electrical problems as a FIAT i would by an abarth 131
p38's are lower at speed, mind you thats any speed as they are normally on the bumpstops :p

still saves the chavs lowering them :D
At the moment i totally agree with you. But the new regulations the EU are insisting on may put a totally different slant on things. Batteries being secured for instance is not covered in MOT but will be in new rules. In some cases they may have a point, but a 60lb battery in a Range Rover is going nowhere secured or not. SRS is not covered but will be in new rules. I can see Maplins doing a roaring trade in small three second timers to stick behind the instrument panel. Modified lighting not allowed, self leveling lights if fitted must work. We know they don't have that feature per se but the EAS does it for them. How is a P38 on springs going to pass that one? Lots of questions to answer if VOSA go to the letter of the law and don't allow a bit of common sense. :D:D
All you'd have to do is remove all lights and the tester would only be able to advise 'No lights fitted at time of test'. ****ed up, I know!!
We'll just have to see what wonders the EU present us with
200 discos don't have this, can't say I've seen it on any of the 9 300 tdi discos we've got at work at the moment:confused:
You put enough weight on them, they'll sit on their arse

Just looked at my 300TDi manual and you are right, Disco does not have self leveling. I was confusing the leveling unit on my old 1986 classic rangie with the upper suspension link on the disco rear suspension. I stand corrected (on the Disco)
Mechanical self levelling? not sure I know what you mean. :confused:
boge hydromat self levelling system is on classics and apprently some fenders.Dunno bout discos.

Not unsafe, just less safe, but they were designed for springs, the P38 was not. Never mind 4 X 4's, remember the A class Merc when it first came out? It would flip with ease on a swerve as demonstrated on TV.
and current model hilux
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Toyota Hilux fails the Moose test[/nomedia]
all this talk about new regs is giving me a headache - will see if my coils get through the MOT or not soon enough .......

I just long for the good old days of yore when you could buy your MOT in a bar - computers have buggered that all up ........ :(
all this talk about new regs is giving me a headache - will see if my coils get through the MOT or not soon enough .......

I just long for the good old days of yore when you could buy your MOT in a bar - computers have buggered that all up ........ :(

I just long for the good old days before the EU was running our country and interfering in every aspect of our lives.
What we joined (apparently) was a common market, what we got was something very different where Germans and French do as they like and good old Britain does as its told.
It don't matter what club this country joins we get all the disadvantages and none of the advantages.
Whoops, just fell off me soapbox :D
I just long for the good old days before the EU was running our country and interfering in every aspect of our lives.
What we joined (apparently) was a common market, what we got was something very different where Germans and French do as they like and good old Britain does as its told.
It don't matter what club this country joins we get all the disadvantages and none of the advantages.
Whoops, just fell off me soapbox :D
Too many bloody (un)civil servants with too little to do expanding the work to fit the time:rolleyes:
probably being a bit thick , but by fitting coils , the rangy is no longer as per landrover build spec and there fore not road legal as it is not as the manufacturer designed it , and hasn't passed any safty test's !
eas live with problem's , classic system is better though .
If we are talking about EU rules, should add that the 4.6 I had in Holland was on coils and had no problem getting tested, I think this is all 100% UK ****e......
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Around here (Portugal) if you put your Rangie on coils it has to be certified as road safe. There's (at least one) company that will examine it and write it up as OK. With this certificate you can then go to the car register and they will emit a new V5 stating that the car is ok coils.
But the truth is that many MOT examiners don't know these cars so you can get lucky and it will pass on coils, without the certification.
Well going by Elsie's logic every car that has been modified is illegal or are some mods acceptable and others not. I would rather scrap mine than put it back on EAS that is why I got in touch with VOSA to clear this up. As earlier in the post it's quite acceptable by VOSA and yes its time this country found its backbone and told the EU to f*ck off, look at the way they are interfering with bloody everything, insurances the lot, bloody pricks, end of rant.

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