
New Member
Just a bit of info needed, I have just got a RR with a VM engine, no smart remarks please, what sort of mpg should I getting from it, had a RR with a VM out of an SD1 years ago and it would give 35+mpg, but this one seems a bit heaver on juice, I have been told that the factory fitted engine was tuned up, anyone got any thoughts on this.:)
Vm is an italian engine manufacturer used in rangerovers before the 200tdi was launched,I would not expect any more than 30mpg from either engine Tbh
By the time you get a straight answer chap, you could have fitted a 200 or 300TDI and doubled the value of your RR !!
The VM is crap and as your carting around an extra 3/4 to 1 tonne of weight in a vehicle shaped like a brick. it doesn't help the fuel consumption.
By the time you get a straight answer chap, you could have fitted a 200 or 300TDI and doubled the value of your RR !!
What are you saying - both my responses are lucid,well thought out and the result of earning a living form LR's for the last 24 years.;)
Knew I would get some smart arsed comments, thanks chaps, I know the VM is a bit long in the tooth now and on the heavy side but my last RR had a VM out of a Rover SD1 and I did over 150 thou with it, was a brill motor did a good 35 mpg an the down side it wasn’t as quick as the RR factory fitted engine I have now which makes me think they were tweaked hence not getting as much mpg. By the way Boomer I would love to fit a 200Tdi but cash is tight so I will have to make do unless anyone knows were there’s one going spare or fancy’s a swap for a mini engine Ha Ha.
Keep up the good work lads.:D
they aint smart arsed comments mate they are peoples opinions, you are the only person i have ever known that says its a "brill motor". never mind long in the tooth, they were **** when they were new
Sorry smart arsed was a bit strong and everyones input is appreciated, granted there not as good as the TDI, but I have known a few people had them in the past and never really had much trouble
I will try to give a sensible answer. I would expect 30+ from your old girl. If she is struggling a bit, give the intercooler a good clean out with some parafin. Fill it right up and let it soak, then flush untill all the sludge has gone. This should make her a lot more eager and better on the economy. Have you got the 2.4 or 2.5 fitted?
hee hee - yu nevva aspired to improve yoself then 8?;)
You and Yella - ya cheeky gits ! coarse I ave - but I enjoy a quiet life in the country,an fixing Brummie built carp is a gentle way to keep the locals,(yokels ? ) appy.
I knew I should have listened more at school !
If he really wants a serious point of view then here it is; VM diesels are,in comparison to a TDI,overcomplicated,unreliable,badly designed and built of sub standard materials.
The TDI engine is a very simple,reliable layout,easily rebuildable and very suitable for a 4wd.(its not the only one but light years ahead of the VM)
The last RR with a VM in it that found its way to my remote workshop was not even allowed into the yard,the owner was upset but admitted he had received similar treatment elsewhere.
Its not even like I dont like a challenge,I spent a few years doing warranty work on Hatz diesels - they can be really hard work !
Thanks all for your advice, I will have a look at the intercooler, the engine is a 2.4 but think i will look round and se if I can pick up a tdi, would think it will go in fairly easy.
Thanks all for your advice, I will have a look at the intercooler, the engine is a 2.4 but think i will look round and se if I can pick up a tdi, would think it will go in fairly easy.
Thats the worst bit - its not easy to retrofit a TDI,unless you have a complete TDI Disco to do it.

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