
Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I'm going to see my folks weekend after next, and one of my old friends is going back too (his parents live in the same village as mine.) He's just bought a 110 so I thought it'd be nice to take both Landy's out for a spin with our respective lasses.

I've been looking about and it seems that BOATs are extremely thin on the ground in the Beacons and Blacks, which is a bummer. But who knows maybe there's a hidden gem somewhere. It'd be really nice to find some relatively easy lane with some nice views, but I'm not holding out much hope.

So does anyone know of any that you'd be willing to share? I've been out with 1st Overland before in the Hippo (got a D2 now) but I missed all this summer's laning trips :(.

If we can't find any we'll just do some of the known-to-be-spectacular roads across the Beacons. It'll still be a nice day out :).


Have been looking for ages round this area with little luck unfortunately (Aber is only 20 mins down the road). There us a group in hereford (who's name escapes me) that do go out on organised tours in small groups. Maybe worth a Google to find them.
I know to 3 half decent ones in that area and a few nearer Monmouth. Let me know if and what you are interested in and I will give you the info
Have been looking for ages round this area with little luck unfortunately (Aber is only 20 mins down the road). There us a group in hereford (who's name escapes me) that do go out on organised tours in small groups. Maybe worth a Google to find them.

There are loads of good lanes down there.

Not sure which map you've been looking at. :D
Yes we won't do it if it's been chucking it down, this isn't a mud plugging excursion and we don't want to damage any lanes :).

Either is fine, we're happy to go a little way to find a good lane or two :).

i was thinking more of snow tbh. they are saying we are having a 2 week snap now. it's started snowing lightly in the borders.
How serious do you want them? Muddy n scratchy or mild bimbles?

Well neither of us are that experienced, so something relatively mild to moderate would be sensible I think. But I'd consider anything as long as I thought I could handle it.
Last question. How will you be navigating to them? Do you have OS maps for grid refs or do you want me to convert them for a sat nav?
My brother in law banged a girl from Abergavenny. She was called jenny.

We called her 'jenny from Abergavenny'

True story

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