
New Member
hi ive got a couple of questions being scottish im sligtly confused bout g,laning
ive driven a 90 belonging to my work for years but am now getting my own 110 as i now get a car alloance rather than a vehicle :D up till now apart from years ago in the army the nearest i get to anythig of road is civil engineering sites mind you the diggers leave some fun landscapes
i dont want to take vehicle off road yet but want to get to now it
any advice/links would be appreciated
1 what is green laning
2 im working in sheffeid and london for next few months anyone recommened wher to go
3 do i need to do anythihg to vehicle to take part
greenlaning is basically taking going out on un-tarmaced roads. or un-asphalted roads if your being picky! im a geotechnical engineer so i know what you mean about the sites! at work we use 110's but i have a 90.

london will prob be crap, shef will prob be a better bet. buy an OS map for the area local to where you are and look for byways.l check the legend and your legally allowed on BOAT's and RUPP's. try and link up some lanes for a good day out. if your going on your own, i suggest not trying anything too tech. as if you get stuck, your ****ed. if it looks like its getting to muddy, or the ruts will ground out your axles, turn around. if water looks to deep, get out and check first. it pays not to be lazy!

lanes around the UK are so varied. anything from grass paths, gravel paths to steep rock climbs and very deep fast running river crossings. its so varied.

would be best to hook up with a local club and go with them if your schedule permits. check out the green lane association website GLASS that got some advice and stuff which i cant be arsed to repeat.

hope this helps, anything else just ask ;)

thanks for advice ill check out site
know getting stuck can be a bit of a pain, did it at work the other week and had to get jcb to pull me out didnt help that front end and winch where buried in 3ft off liquid mud and it was snowing:(

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