
Active Member
Brought my series to get plates changed over this morning to irish vehicle reg tax office, inspector wanted to see stamp on chassis and won't clear customs until I have located it. Where the fudge is this? There is waxoyl on chassis so peeling back is gonna tricky so any help would be great?!
Thanks for that! Yep it's been welded over. They tell me if I re stamp and authorise is with Land rover that will suffice! Where would you get this done
Ok so chassis number has officially gone missing some where in the last 4 decades, may try get stamped me thinks!!
Yep it's all there but unfortunately I got a sticky f#*ker this morning abd he wouldn't accept. Heading on Monday to engineering works who can restamp number. Pain in the you know what
Ah the old read between the lines trick, yep for sure I ain't telling them it's new that's for sure! Might have to rust it up a bit!
if it's a 2, 2a or 3 it should be on the OFFSIDE dumbiron (left of the vehicle when looking at the front), the normal reason for it being missing is the dumbiron has rotted out and has been replaced

when i replace dumbirons nowadays i give the numbered one back to the vehicle owner to minimise future hassle regardless if it can easily be read and if buying a vehicle that's been repaired buyers should ask for the old dumbiron (most folks throw them away after a period of time though as they get fed up of tripping over the scrap)
i dunno about Thor, some CKDs i believe were stamped to the rear of the chassis but all mine to date have been on the offside front, including the one i have that was built in Australia

if it's a S1 i have no idea at all where thier chassis number is
Re: Rust it up: A quick brush on of brick acid (hydrochloric acid), followed by a rinse and a weirebrushing with oil to "clean Up" the surface is quite effective.

Do not ask how I know this.
As far as stampings on S.1, early ones IIRC were stamped near the offside motor mount. CKDs continued to do that in AU when built up by certain companies - my 1954 86 (ex-AU) was one of them and caused me no end of grief when registering it here in the US as the old AU reg used the motor number instead of the serial number (God knows why).

I practically ended up pledging my firstborn and my right testicle to get that thing through the registration process even with a clear bill of sale and a paper trail all the way from AU.

{grumble} sodding bureaucrats{grummble}
As far as stampings on S.1, early ones IIRC were stamped near the offside motor mount. CKDs continued to do that in AU when built up by certain companies - my 1954 86 (ex-AU) was one of them and caused me no end of grief when registering it here in the US as the old AU reg used the motor number instead of the serial number (God knows why).

I practically ended up pledging my firstborn and my right testicle to get that thing through the registration process even with a clear bill of sale and a paper trail all the way from AU.

{grumble} sodding bureaucrats{grummble}

did you then 'find ' the correct chassis number somewhere ;);)
Re: find number:

Nope - didn't do that to that truck or any other. I have done it with reproduction cast items for "antiquing" the look. SWMBO is very fussy about the silly statuary she clutters up the garden with. :)


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