Check the T/box output bearings, do you have any lift in them? With the motor idling, put your bar between the output flanges and the box to see if the noise stops. I have a little vibration which I can stop by lifting the propshafts. Job for the future is to fit my spare t/box.

Theres no movement in the props Alan :( Any other ideas?
Now Ive got to save my pennys If Ive got to have this taken to bits I'll be eating stale bread for a few weeks ;)
Haha I might try it myself tbh... Recon the transfer box just to see if it is something in there...
That would be a waste of time & cash, how can you affect the internals of the transfer box by moving the exterior?
As Alan said, look at the props and also the handbrake drum.
I'm just thinking a slack bearing or something I don't know. The props are solid... I might take them off and see if I can get it to do it then.
Just been and checked all seem to be good and tight i cant budge them... would a bent cross member do it? I dont think mine is bent but running out of options here...

This is me under the RR moving the transmission with a bar to replicate the noise please watch... excuse the quality :eek:

You're pushing against the body? So the body is acting as a sound box, amplifying the sound that is coming down the transmission and your breaker bar, I think.

Sounded a bit like the EAS vibrating against the inner wing. I know some people have put rubber washers between the box and the wing. Cannot see it being transmitted that far though.

Has anyone here had a crankshaft pulley damper go? What does that sound like when it gets tired?

Exhaust does sound a bit loud. Could be a loose baffle somewhere. Is the exhaust touching the cross-member anywhere?
Hiya Grrrrr...

I can get it to make the noise even just pushing the transfer box by hand the transmission tunnel isnt fowling the box and the exhaust isnt touching anything. Im seriously thinking about a recon transfer box just to rule out anything in there doing it...
Hiya Grrrrr...

I can get it to make the noise even just pushing the transfer box by hand the transmission tunnel isnt fowling the box and the exhaust isnt touching anything. Im seriously thinking about a recon transfer box just to rule out anything in there doing it...
You seem to be obsessed with spending cash on a new transfer box, tell me how just pushing on the outside can affect the internals?
You seem to be obsessed with spending cash on a new transfer box, tell me how just pushing on the outside can affect the internals?

I'm not obsessed with it but Ive change just about everything else and cant seem to get it sorted. The P38s done a few miles now anyway so having the Transferer box overhauled wouldn't hurt it I doubt...:eek::eek: I do appreciate your help tho.

If the noise is there on idle whilst stationary, then why not get the screwdriver on the vehicle and put it to your ear until you can narrow down the noise, that's how we find noises at work but we use a dedication chassis ear thingy.

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