as an ex british soldier ,7 1/2 years served ,bosnia ,gulf 1,amongst many other hell holes ,and as mixed race, my father a black BRITISH SOLDIER ,i can only take that as racism in the highest order,
shall i shut up now or just get back on the banana boat
ps when you get dressed up in your camo gear and drive up and down woods ,remember some
ni##er did that for real with mines traps and bullets ,just to keep you safe

You complete muppet. Read it properly and then reflect on storms reply...

Good for you anyways...serving her majesty has obviously done your mental health the world of good !
my missus dont get out much nowadays,folks allways asking after her,usual reply is ive just put a new patio in wiv my mate fred

wifes reply is " bloody typical of you thatis" se she knows me to well,damb n blast,,,,dave

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