
New Member
i have a vibration, it is usually around 3000rpm, some times worse than others, its been there since i got vehicle back from engine rebuild last august but it never going back to those muppets as they had it 10 months.
i first noticed it to be there between 2750 and goes at 3250, some times its hardly noticeable, other times its not so good and it will change after a fuel stop as it did recently, before fuel it wasn't to bad, out of garage it was worse, seems to change when engine is stoped and restarted.
saying this it has never actually got any worse overhaul. would this be as simple as flexplate? it can be felt while standing still so i know its not drive train, wheels ect.
what we think, flexplate? (im hoping)
oh and that engine speed is about 80mph, typical!!!
Hi there.
Would someone else notice it? and, i understand if they messed you about but is it under warranty and should you make them put it right.

Cheers, Nick.
Hi, if you are a member of the RAC or AA, see if you can get them to inspect it, and if there is a fault they should be able to put some weight behind your complaint to the garage.

Chris J
this maybe a direction to take, im with the AA. (no! not the anonymous people)
although there going to say it was my old flex plate that was fitted, the water pump bearings started rumbling quite bad after 5 months so i got in touch with them asking if they pay the £35 for the part i will fit it, they was surprised it was so cheap, they couldn't get one for anything near that price.
any way they called back and said it wasn't down to them as they fitted my old water pump to new engine, this i thought was bad practice considering the nature of the problems that 4.6 engines have, overheating!
i contacted the FER, federation of engine remanufactures, (of who euroengines are members) who said that as its an ancillary component it wasnt down to them to renew! idiots! not the cleverest people in the land, in fact bloody stupid, its not like its an exhaust manifold or an alternator, if a water pump packs up it WILL bugger the engine, they change oil pumps so why not water pumps, all bloody idiots!

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