Hi, wondering if anyone has had this problem with there freelander. A few weeks ago when i was driving between 30 and 40 mph i could feel some slight vibration, at the time i thought it was probably the wheel balance ( because thats wht it felt like ) my tyres was getting quite low so i booked it in and had them all replaced. I thought that this would be the end of my problem, but No i can still feel is shaking between 30 and 40mph. Anyone got any ieas of what i need to check?

First I would take it back to the garage and tell them you have some vibration and tell them that wasn't there before you had the tyres done (hopefully they should make sure the balancing is 100% front and rear) you could have just thrown a weight. Next I would check the VCU and Prop shaft bearings.
check that your rear brake shoes are not rubbing in the drums. slacken off the handbrake cable and see if this helps. had the same problem not so long ago..

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