Hi all. I would appreciate any ideas over a problem that my 2005 TD4 has developed. The original problem was a clunking from under the drivers seat when turning at slow speed, after getting some good tips off the site I discovered both VCU bearing shot, I had these replaced by a local garage with the cheaper variants. On the first drive after replacement, the car vibrated quite severly at around 40-50 MPH. Had the bearings realigned but the problem remained. The vibration was present both in and out of gear. The clunking problem was eliminated.

I replaced the cheaper bearings with LR originals thinking that they had caused the vibration. Test drive resulted in same symptoms. Numerous trips back to the garage to have the bearing realigned was fruitless. I then removed the prop and VCU assembly and the problem went away.

I have since replaced the oil in the IRD and rear diff and replaced the 3 UJs on the front and rearpropshaft. Refitted the Prop assembly and the problem remains. The vibration was not present before the bearing replacement. Any ideas would be welcome.

Forgot to mention that all four tyres replaced recently but again this made no difference.
may be a long shot but make sure none of the ballance weights have been knocked off the propshafts,maybe a mark where it used to be:)
No unfortunetly not, I just re-read my post, what it have said was a rear prop, still thought it was a good price incfluding postage in the scheme of things. I did ask at the LR dealer if they had a set kicking about that could be used for diagnosing but
surprisingly not. Will let you know how I get on when the other pitches up.
I see, thought it was cheap. It would obviously be so much better to try a known good complete assembly.

Any helpful and willing forum member in the same part of the country??? :beer2:
may be a long shot but make sure none of the ballance weights have been knocked off the propshafts,maybe a mark where it used to be:)

Thanks Micky, Already checked this, both sections have two weights on then and I can't see any witness marks if others had been fitted. I f only it had been that easy lol.
One previous poster made the point about the props being balanced with the UJ bearings in one position.

Is there any chance that when the UJs were replaced that they were reassembled 180 degrees about??

This would certainly change the balance harmonics of the prop :(
Not at the moment, every thing I tried didn't make a difference.

I've been working away for a while and don't have the vehicle with me. No doubt I'll be pulling my hair out again before long.

Hi all ive just been reading through this thread as i have a friend that is now having the same problem, so i was just wandering if there is any update on the cause? she has a shall we say shimmy sort of vibration from the rear end on her v6 model but after reading this ill check over the prop, shes a little annoyed as she has just bought the car and every thing was fine until a few days ago. would be good to hear of any update before i go and strip her car.
Sorry still no update, Winter in the North of Scotland not the place to be when laid out on the drive. Still running with the prop props/vcu removed. I am convinced that there is still a vibration on sorts without the props fitted. When the engine is around 1500 rpm (30 Mph-ish) it can feel as if the car wants to go backwards and forwards. I Remember a previous post mentioning the Driveshafts, but they seem OK. Waiting on the better weather.
Good luck

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