
New Member
Can anyone help, i have a 99 xedi which has had a new vcu, recent ird, new clutch about two months ago and now the bloody thing has started vibrating severly under accelerating and it gets perticulaly bad at about 50 mph, it also has developed a strange squeaking noise at the same time, it sounds that something is seriously moving about but looking under it i cant see any evidence of foul play. If this proves to be expensive again i will scrap it!:mad:
Can anyone help, i have a 99 xedi which has had a new vcu, recent ird, new clutch about two months ago and now the bloody thing has started vibrating severly under accelerating and it gets perticulaly bad at about 50 mph, it also has developed a strange squeaking noise at the same time, it sounds that something is seriously moving about but looking under it i cant see any evidence of foul play. If this proves to be expensive again i will scrap it!:mad:

Get underneath and check that none of the mounting bolts have worked loose on the new bits.
Failing that close your eyes and imagine you are driving a series....... :D
Did they change the VCU support bearings, if not check them, and the fixing bolts, they will cause a lot of vibration if worn or loose.
Check off side CV joint, try wobbling the driveshaft, there can be a small amount of movement which is OK, but anything more could mean the CV joint has had it. Also check your front prop shaft CV joint where it bolts to the IRD, if this has any movement tou can get nasty vibrations.

Try removing the prop shaft and see if the vibration goes, this at least will tell you if its the front drive line or prop shaft related.
Thanks there is a good amount to go on, the vcu bearings were changed at the time but i will check the bolts. With the drive shafts, what sort of thing am i looking for? damage or play?

With your help it will live for another day!
Sub frame Bolts ? broken away from main car body.

Sound very familiar to me and a very easy problem to find and sort-out
Thanks Pat, ive already had them done as that was a previous noise and that was sorted. im going under this weekend and i may be under it sometime, just hopeing the money tree has come into leaf!
Check the front prop CV/tripod joint where it connects to the IRD, that started to fail on mine and similarly caused severe vibration at certain speeds.

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