
New Member
I bought a 3 year (40,000 miles) Freelander about a month ago, and since then I've notice a lot of vibrations in the foot pedal and the floor , so much that it's making my feet tingle and my legs ache. Also there seems a lot of a small vibration in the steering wheel, causing my hands and fingers to ache also. Even when driving every small bump in the road seems to be transmitted up the steering wheel.
Is this normal for a Freelander, I thought with such an expensive car, there would be better dampening ?
If it is normal, I'll have to consider going back to petrol car again .
Wheel balancing is first step.
If that doesn't work, rotate each wheel with the spare - it could be a damaged tyre (assuming you've got a spare - if not it's time to get one!).
If that doesn't work assume a brake problem, possibly a warped disc. It is possible to warp a disc by keeping your foot on the brake when stationary, if the discs are hot.
It could also be a drive train problem. Remember this vehicle is effectively front wheel drive most of the time.
And no, you definitely should not be getting any vibration!

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