
New Member
I have 51 plate TD4 Auto and have just started to get an annoying vibration from what appears to be under the dashboard. Its only over uneven ground and sounds like a exhaust vibration. Is there anything else it could be? Over flat surfaces there are no issues. The vehicle drives perfectly and it has not affected performance or driving. There is no play when driving and no pulling to one side or the other.

Could it be anything other than a exhaust mounting?
Could be roll bar bushes,could be the tray is loose,could be a fugked ball joint,could be lots of things ,like a broken bracket ,
The only way to find out is get on your back and get under it, remove the under tray and try to rattle everything .
Just reread its a vibration,most likely something along the drive train.
Prop support bearings.
Wheel bearings

Could be anything.You are the only person on LZ who can go outside and find the source of the vibration.Once you do you can get lots of info and help from the rest of us.
Appears to be a lot of play on the rear of the exhaust. Cant find anything else that appears loose. Father in law, mechanic (retired) listened to it and also thinks it may be exhaust. There seems to be no other reason for it and it only happens occasionally going over pot holes or uneven road surface. Doesnt matter which wheel hits the pothole or goes over the uneven road surface the sound is always there
Might cure it with new hangers.Check the state of the prop support bearings.
Might do well to remove the whole prop and vcu just to rule it out.
Appears to be the drop links.Vibration just on offisde wheel and there is some play in it. Struggling to do much else at minute as recovering from knee op. Might have to pay soemone to do them! Argh! Theres load of cheap looking ****e drop links on Ebay - anyone got idea for a reputable mail order company with quality parts.

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