
Active Member

I've had the Freelander now for 2 weeks and I really love it. Great all round and with only 36k on it, everything including the auto box seem in great condition. Noticed on the motorway today that at high speed (80+ MPH) there is quite a lot of Vibration. Now this could be down to the fact that its a 4x4 with big grippy tyres, but I just wanted to check if it is normal. It's like a vibration like when you run on the edge of the motorway on the rumble lines, but less severe.


Good fast machines them Freelanders eh tractorers.

Mines the same at 80 but I think the wheel balance isn't quite spot on.
Should still be nice fast & smooth, something the tractor boys can only dream about.
Good fast machines them Freelanders eh tractorers.

Mines the same at 80 but I think the wheel balance isn't quite spot on.
Should still be nice fast & smooth, something the tractor boys can only dream about.

Thats bollox. recovery trucks are governed to 56mph now:D:D:D
haha 80MPH breaking the speed limit :p Tell that to the Rep wagons. Gotta go with the flow of the traffic and if everyone is moving at 80 I'm not gonna sit at 70. Will check if the wheels are all nicely balanced on Monday.
haha 80MPH breaking the speed limit :p Tell that to the Rep wagons. Gotta go with the flow of the traffic and if everyone is moving at 80 I'm not gonna sit at 70. Will check if the wheels are all nicely balanced on Monday.

What an absolute tw*t of a statement to make.

FFS if ya gonna speed then at least have the balls to accept responsibility for ya own actions. The Big Boys made me do it. Or I'm a sheep! Are ****e fooking excuses and won't impress the plod, The magistrate or your insurers.
What an absolute tw*t of a statement to make.

FFS if ya gonna speed then at least have the balls to accept responsibility for ya own actions. The Big Boys made me do it. Or I'm a sheep! Are ****e fooking excuses and won't impress the plod, The magistrate or your insurers.

Who is making excuses? They aren't going to pull over a whole row of cars going fast, and I was in the middle lane, the fast lane boys where flying along!
Who is making excuses? They aren't going to pull over a whole row of cars going fast, and I was in the middle lane, the fast lane boys where flying along!

Oh well that makes it all ok then :rolleyes: until some dick fooks up and you become vehicle 23 in a 45 car pileup.
Oh well that makes it all ok then :rolleyes: until some dick fooks up and you become vehicle 23 in a 45 car pileup.

Too true I concede, shouldn't be doing 80, but it's not like I was doing 100 is it? I was only 5 miles per hour over the 75 top max I should be doing. I'll hold my hands up, didn't mean to offend anyone, and wasn't bragging about speeding, just wondered what the vibration was at higher speeds.
Too true I concede, shouldn't be doing 80, but it's not like I was doing 100 is it? I was only 5 miles per hour over the 75 top max I should be doing. I'll hold my hands up, didn't mean to offend anyone, and wasn't bragging about speeding, just wondered what the vibration was at higher speeds.

The doors working loose or the rear chassis cracking???
The doors working loose or the rear chassis cracking???

hehe doors & chassis seem fine, although the cable seems to have gone on the rear passenger electric window, so need to grab one of those kits off the bay. Surely the rest of the thing won't fall apart so quickly :p
Oh well that makes it all ok then :rolleyes: until some dick fooks up and you become vehicle 23 in a 45 car pileup.

And it will be all your fault cause your the one driving a 4x4/landrover/gas guzzler

Can see the headlines now :doh:

Personally I wouldn't class 80 (where the limit is 70) as overly excessive so not sure why anyone's got upset:confused:
Try the wheel balancing it won't cost much - see how you go from there.

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