Decided to stop messing around and just replace the prop. Voila, all sorted!

For anybody else reading this, I would just like to confirm that I tried the front prop in many orientations/phases trying to remedy the wobble. The one that had the least wobble, was with the shorter male end facing the transfer box. In terms the phasing, if you imagine that you're looking at the prop as if you were the transfer box, rotating the male end 45 degrees anti-clockwise achieved the least amount of wobble.
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Good to see you solved it. just for completion in case someone else comes across this thread i'll post my experience.

Replaced the entire front drive train, sorting out the wheel bearings etc. Still got vibration. One day when jacking up the vehicle to try and find the culprit again I noticed that the passenger wheel rotated when off the ground. Gave it a spin when slightly off the ground and turns out the tyre wasn't completely round. Only a couple a few mm in it but changed to the spare and all was fine. An expensive lesson.
At 50 in my series 3, all hell breaks loose. I'd never be able to pinpoint one single judder in the earthquake of mechanical madness that is common on old landies.

Unleash the gods of war and hit 65. Tiz a life changing experience but wear ear plugs. :D

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