morning folks,

Hope you are all well.

I’ve noticed over the last couple of days that after a while of driving a loud thrumming noise and vibration start. It looks like it happens once the brakes have been used a few times.

Initial thoughts were it might be the rear driver side bearing but now I’m not so sure as when I got home the disk was red hot!

I can get the parts I need to fix it today but don’t want to replace what doesn’t need to be.

Any ideas what’s going on? Is it the calipar, disk, bearing or could it be something else? Pads don’t appear to be too low.

Thanks in advance
You might be lucky this time, but you're wandering into dangerous territory guessing what needs repaired on any veh. Especially when it comes to braking system. You've already had a Range Rover, so would have thought you'd be a little more aware that they can bite ;)
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hope u don't mind me asking could the rear epb be causing this

inc if there not adjusted right or leading brake shoe catching
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You might be lucky this time, but you're wandering into dangerous territory guessing what needs repaired on any veh. Especially when it comes to braking system. You've already had a Range Rover, so would have thought you'd be a little more aware that they can bite ;)
Ha they certainly can! Will see what like taking it apart. Thankfully guy that’s helping me sort it is a decent mechanic which is a bonus.

Will give an update once it’s done.
hope u don't mind me asking could the rear epb be causing this

inc if there no adjusted right or leading brake shoe catching
+1, if it's the EPB the brake disk drum will be hot after a short drive, if its the calipers then the disk will be hotter.

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