yer kin git that from yer local farmer's / equestrian supplier, cheeper than flea bay.
I lined out the back of me 90 fer about 25 quid, including the vertical and horizontal bits of the wheelarches.
yer kin git that from yer local farmer's / equestrian supplier, cheeper than flea bay.
I lined out the back of me 90 fer about 25 quid, including the vertical and horizontal bits of the wheelarches.

I'm wiv Trewy, shud be abart half the price of that Fleabay stuff! :eek:
If you have a quarry nearby - chances are they replace the belts on their conveyors from time to time. Excellent stuff - super thick and usually only the cost of afew pints to the right man..
this is something that ive been looking into getting, i was gonna go the ebay route but postage costs are a bitch, might aswell try and find something in a diy shop, it will be cheaper
Machine mart do rubber matting

and it's right tough stuff n all, i got a roll of the 3mm a while back and it's perfect for sound insulation and general flooring, anything thicker isnt bendy enough fer the tranny (dont get all excited DK) tunnel
and it's right tough stuff n all, i got a roll of the 3mm a while back and it's perfect for sound insulation and general flooring, anything thicker isnt bendy enough fer the tranny (dont get all excited DK) tunnel

Did you get ribbed or smooth matting?:rolleyes:
Yes cause we is famous fer our constructive comments on this forum. So behave yersen yer ****.

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