I assume you are rearing to fuel compared to a four cylinder diesel/petrol. Mechanically there's not much difference in servicing costs from what I've seen.
Have owned a V8 engined vehicle for the last 32 years, I've never found it an issue, but maybe would if I was living on benefits. :D
yeah i meant fuel costs. my V8 cost me very little other than standard stuff like brakes etc. the only 'engine' issue i ever had was water pump and that was a half hour job. Td5 water pump.... lets just say i wouldn't want to do that too often...
i do a fair amount of mileage so it was just too much to justify the fuel on a daily basis and i couldn't afford to keep it on the road for fun. (though i would have loved to :( )
looks lovely. i assume you are aware of the more frequent visits to the petrol station you will be making? ;)
have owned my V8 for 19 years with only having to replace the normal things in that time two starters 2 batteries two alternators { i have no idea why they run in twos.o_O } the soundtrack and the smile a V8 puts on your face is well worth the extra petrol station visits.;)
have owned my V8 for 19 years with only having to replace the normal things in that time two starters 2 batteries two alternators { i have no idea why they run in twos.o_O } the soundtrack and the smile a V8 puts on your face is well worth the extra petrol station visits.;)
unfortunately i have 5 kids. if they took kids as payment at petrol stations i would still have a V8.... sadly, they don't :(
Ok... I understand what you're saying, I've had the use of a company car which seems for ever, that went last year, the additional tax finally got to me, but with driving a company car any vehicles I've owned are weekend hobby cars, hence owning a 20 year disco, although I've driven my 'hobby cars' to Portugal, Spain and Germany a few times and more than a few times to Yorkshire... which is just one of my favourite places :D

Oh I said water pump only was replace but the exhaust was replaced with a Janspeed cat back system at 11 years old not directly part of the engine as that's a service item... is it not :D
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V8's are not the money pit they are made out to be. Driven sensibly they are not bad at all, but I wouldn't use one for daily town driving, that would be expensive.

We've got three D2 V8's in the family plus a 2000 P38 Vogue. Mine is up to 189K miles, my spare one is at 63K and waiting to be put on the road, my son's ES is at 224k, so they can knock up huge mileages without too much trouble.

Rear chassis corrosion is pretty typical but repair parts are available. Engines are pretty bullet proof if you run on good quality oil and filters and change at or below the prescribed mileages.

Run the correct OAT coolant! If it isn't in the car, walk away. You would not believe the corrosion inside the water pipes on Philip's car.

The Range Rover is a 4.6 and just on the road in the last week or so after head gaskets etc etc.

Love them!

V8's are not the money pit they are made out to be. Driven sensibly they are not bad at all, but I wouldn't use one for daily town driving, that would be expensive.

We've got three D2 V8's in the family plus a 2000 P38 Vogue. Mine is up to 189K miles, my spare one is at 63K and waiting to be put on the road, my son's ES is at 224k, so they can knock up huge mileages without too much trouble.

Rear chassis corrosion is pretty typical but repair parts are available. Engines are pretty bullet proof if you run on good quality oil and filters and change at or below the prescribed mileages.

Run the correct OAT coolant! If it isn't in the car, walk away. You would not believe the corrosion inside the water pipes on Philip's car.

The Range Rover is a 4.6 and just on the road in the last week or so after head gaskets etc etc.

Love them!

How can you tell if it has OAT coolant in it??? Does it look different / smell different???
How are yours suited to LPG? any issues??
OAT is pink/orange when diluted.

LPG on two of ours, both are Zavoli multi-point systems, one already on mine when I got it, Philip's one we did ourselves.

No big issues, oil and coolant need keeping an eye on, like daily, but they have both been pretty good on LPG, especially towing our big trailer to Europe.


V8's are not the money pit they are made out to be. Driven sensibly they are not bad at all, but I wouldn't use one for daily town driving, that would be expensive.

We've got three D2 V8's in the family plus a 2000 P38 Vogue. Mine is up to 189K miles, my spare one is at 63K and waiting to be put on the road, my son's ES is at 224k, so they can knock up huge mileages without too much trouble.

Rear chassis corrosion is pretty typical but repair parts are available. Engines are pretty bullet proof if you run on good quality oil and filters and change at or below the prescribed mileages.

Run the correct OAT coolant! If it isn't in the car, walk away. You would not believe the corrosion inside the water pipes on Philip's car.

The Range Rover is a 4.6 and just on the road in the last week or so after head gaskets etc etc.

Love them!

totally agree. i think V8's are more reliable than the diesels. after all, its based on the tried and tested Buick engine. the gearboxes also have stronger torque converters and flex plates so less problems there. in hindsight, if you could foresee the maintenance costs needed on a Td5, it would work out cheaper on an annual basis to have a V8!
My 3.5 was used 24/7 at 16mpg every where and serviced by a main dealer twice a year for the 10 years I owned it. Expensive ok, that's one of the reasons that we go work, is it not :D
I've had mine for 12 months now.. 2003 V8 ES LPG... same Zavoli system as listerdiesel has on his. I had the LPG system checked out by a local specialist a soon as I bought it which flagged up a temp sensor failing but 12 quid fixed that. Mine has a 60litre underslung LPG tank and a custom 20litre petrol tank. LPG by me is currently 42p a litre and I did a rough calculation that it was doing the equivalent of 30+mpg around town (comparing to the price of diesel and what ... not bad really :) As the others have said...make sure the coolant is OAT, and 6 monthly oil changes using decent oil and filter. Love mine and so does everyone that hears the roar....
We've just done Northampton to Edingburgh, 4.6 Range Rover P38, three up with luggage and tools, averaged 22mpg on mixed A roads and dual-carriageways, runing at 70mph when possible.

That's not too bad at all, and on Petrol, not LPG.

Back home today, be interesting to see what it does on the way back down the M6.


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