Yep - about a month ago ...Mr got pinged for a job in NATO - he's still in the Navy though ...bit different from sunny Kernow though's actually sunny for a start lol :D

A bit far from the damp stuff ?
lol yeah just a bit, although you can't beat living on granite - all that rain just runs off - here is gonna be like a bog in winter on all that heavy clay soil :eek:
"note to self" may need mud tyres :D

You certainly wouldnt need em down here now. Dust dry in a week after all the rain.
Gwinear show yesterday. You could barely see the showground for blowing dust! :D
Woo I popped back to LZ! Great to see so many members local.

Once we get the Nationals out the way we can sort a meet up or laning trip if people are feeling like a day out. Before July then I'm sure myself and Muddyduck will be busy with the comp at Devils pit.
Pub meet has also moved to Eddlesborough opposite NMJ car sales on the leighton buzzard/Hemel Hempstead and Dunstable/Ivinghoe cross roads every
Firat Weds of the month after work 7.30-11.00 all Welcome. Don't be worried if there is a lack of landies a few of us turn up in the work cars after work.

Thanks, Jai. That's not too far from here. If ever I can get away in time I'll try to drop in.
Wing, Mick used to be my postman, he did drop off the info but I've had a lot going on in the last couple of months!
Can any of the Herts crew recommend a Landy man/ garage with all the gear and plenty of ideas to get Betsy's starting issues sorted before they get any worse?:oops:
Can any of the Herts crew recommend a Landy man/ garage with all the gear and plenty of ideas to get Betsy's starting issues sorted before they get any worse?:oops:

Dingocroft aren't that far from you. They are certainly experienced with landrovers. If they don't do it, sure they could recommend, they are very helpful! :)

And where ya bin? Monkfish has recently returned, and he has bought a freelander without an engine! o_O
Can any of the Herts crew recommend a Landy man/ garage with all the gear and plenty of ideas to get Betsy's starting issues sorted before they get any worse?:oops:

Old Dairy garage Tring - Very experienced and sympathetic to the old LR.
Dingocroft aren't that far from you. They are certainly experienced with landrovers. If they don't do it, sure they could recommend, they are very helpful! :)

And where ya bin? Monkfish has recently returned, and he has bought a freelander without an engine! o_O
Ooh I'll look them up. Really want to get her sorted, only driven her once since I've been here, as I'm too worried about getting stuck somewhere ( especially if Ian is abroad) so she's holed up on the camp least being in the multi- storey , my water ingress issues are on hold lol :D:D
I's been working very hard at the gardening stuff and mr Muds is all over the place, always dashing off to some far flung place.
Ffs ...didn't MF look under the bonnet before handing over the shraps ...:rolleyes::D
Old Dairy garage Tring - Very experienced and sympathetic to the old LR.
Thank you so much , I'll look them up ....I've been up towards Tring so I kinda know the road, which is reassuring ... ain't like Cornwall here that's for sure ...too many effing cars everywhere ...not like my run out to the Lizard where there's three cars and a John Deere lol :D
Thank you so much , I'll look them up ....I've been up towards Tring so I kinda know the road, which is reassuring ... ain't like Cornwall here that's for sure ...too many effing cars everywhere ...not like my run out to the Lizard where there's three cars and a John Deere lol :D

I bet it ain't like Cornwall. WRT to cars, just this morning I was undertaken on a roundabout leading to the M40.
Ooh I'll look them up. Really want to get her sorted, only driven her once since I've been here, as I'm too worried about getting stuck somewhere ( especially if Ian is abroad) so she's holed up on the camp least being in the multi- storey , my water ingress issues are on hold lol :D:D
I's been working very hard at the gardening stuff and mr Muds is all over the place, always dashing off to some far flung place.
Ffs ...didn't MF look under the bonnet before handing over the shraps ...:rolleyes::D

Poor Betsy, abandoned in a dark barracks. :( She must miss the clean air and scratchy vegetation of her homeland. :D

Weather must have been ok fer the gardening, not been too bad down here, lot of grass. Give Mr our best! :)

Sun in furrin parts muss have affected the poor boys brain, he has bought two of em, neither working. Apparently goin combine em and sell it for a fortune! ;)

Sounds as likely as some of the storylines in Poldark! :eek: :D

Shame, he showed such promise when we used tek en out laning! o_O
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Poor Betsy, abandoned in a dark barracks. :( She must miss the clean air and scratchy vegetation of her homeland. :D

Weather must have been ok fer the gardening, not been too bad down here, lot of grass. Give Mr our best! :)

Sun in furrin parts muss have affected the poor boys brain, he has bought two of em, neither working. Apparently goin combine em and sell it for a fortune! ;)

Sounds as likely as some of the storylines in Poldark! :eek: :D

Shame, he showed such promise when we used tek en out laning! o_O

Dunno what's wrong with kids these days .....still got the pics of him starting that lovely Series with the ol cranking handle ....tch , if he's gone down the freelander road then yes I think the sun has addled his brain.:D
Ian brought Betsy home last night for a run out ...the bugger nearly didn't start this morning - really thought I was gonna have to take him to work. I'm off mowing this morning, but when I get back , I need to get on the blower. Dingocraft don't have a workshop but they recommend Chilterns Motors so I'm gonna give em a call.:)

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