Sorry if not in correct place.

Just a quick mention if anyone is looking for a good alarm etc.

I installed a Scorpion SA30 to my defender a couple of weeks ago and would like to say that it is a great bit of kit.
I paid £50 from a fitter, not allot of money compared to some alarms but it is very good quality.
A function that is very useful is the shock sensor that can be turned on or off.
I found it easy to fit and its not to bulky, easy to put out of the way!!.

Worth a look if your thinking of an alarm.

We all go running when we hear a car alarm now don't we!

I fitted a hawke one to mine a couple of weeks ago, right faff! The way I see it is I don't sleep heavily so it will most likely wake me up, so I have a chance of scaring the thieves away.
We all go running when we hear a car alarm now don't we!
Unfortunately most don't. That's a shame really. But if they were to read the posts in ere which list examples of peeps looking out the window to see someone inside their LR, pinching the doors oft their LR, trying to roll their LR oft the drive etc... then they would hopefully change their view.

Fitting an alarm with it's own battery backup, shock sensing and volume sensing is the way to go if you own a LR product which doesn't have this fitted already.
I don't give a flying f%&k if any one else comes running or not if an alarm goes off.
I fitted alarms on all my vehicles so I just maybe get a few vital seconds to stop some tit driving away with one of them!!!
Money well spent
With out sounding like a muppet - what is shock sensing and volume sensing?

I assume shock sensing detects if people try and tow or flat bed your landy.
With the recent spate of thefts Im surprised more of you aren't fitting proximity sensors?!?

I have a Toad ai606 on my mini, tilt and motion sensor as well as proximity........go within 18" of it and it beeps to let you know its seen you. Stopped the thieving towrag syphoning my fuel!!!

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