Thank's minty, if you hear of anyone looking to have a vehicle transported, point them in my direction please, CHEERS.
That tractor reminded me of one I moved for someone many years ago! I had a dodge back then, and this lad insisted on driving it on so the winch didn't mark the paint - got half way up and the tractor started tipping backwards! Luckily I threw a J-hook over the front axle so he didn't go over - but his face was a picture!! I was crying with laughter.

I am selling the Series 2 109 soon - so if it needs transporting, I will give you a shout!

What did you say? I thought I heard you say

Can hardly be spam when it's in a section called Courier Service and in a thread headed Vehicle transport. To think it related to anything else you would have to be a bit thick in the head.
Hi, could you tell me cost of picking up series 3 88" from Harlow Essex and taking to Tunbridge Wells. Thinking of buying project, but as it is a nonrunner need to know cost before purchase.

Thanks barleywine
Hi, would like to take you up on your offer. If you could message me your contact details to make arangements.
Thanks barleywine.
Hi Kris

I am looking at buying my first project. How much would it cost to get a series 2 fron high Wycome to Luton?****4az.gif

oi never mind ****ing on here,get ter bed, or wifey might be mad at ya for not being awake in the morning to do your duty to her.:D
Need to get my broken p38 to the menders. Pitstone LU79BG to Bicester.

Been quoted £125.. but it's only 26 miles :(

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