The info you've put up so far will have guided a lot of people towards either fitting the same tracking device or something similar. The fact you're going out of the way to put up the knowledge you've gained is greatly appreciated. We appreciate it's a trial and error investigation. Anything we as a community can do to help tratterers recover their biscuit tins when stolen is worth while. It would be good if we could try to use some of the more complex features like movement/ignition/door open triggered alerts to cover for vehicles towed away etc. If we build on the knowledge we have perhaps more will buy the same device and add to the investigation. Keep up the good work.
oh is that right well between AI203 myself and a few others I thought we were doing a good job of helping not only AL110 who I think English is not his first language but a few others on here. in which case the only way I can help him is to find out what his native tongue is and attempt to learn it or hire a translator. If English is his native tongue then I apologise.
Also please bear in mind that what I and I think Al203 have put up here is based on what we have learned from using the tracker and are still learning. All you did was post up exactly what we have put up before just not so long winded and all you have probably managed to do is confuse AL110 even more and **** me off by saying I'm no help.
Glad to be of service.
Keep up the good work.

Thank you Hippo, I've posted up copies of the instruction manuals and posted up you tube links if AL110 is still not sure after that and all the other information posted on this site then the only way I could help him is to recommend he has one professionally fitted not a DIY job like the one Al203 and myself have. If he lived local to me I would even offer to fit it for him as long as he was happy with the model we brought and fitted to our own vehicles.
This is a great guide. I believe vehicle tracking is a must-have technology for all responsible vehicle owners.
I've been using a tracker on my 2012 LR4 for a few months now and it works great. (DB1 from Rewire Security)
It has great features like geo-fence, movement and speed alerts but the best one is being able to locate my car using my phone..

@John03 just wondering if everything is still good with the tracker?
Thinking of getting a DIY one same as you.
Mine's still working tip top, Flossie. Very sensitive to movement and spot on with the street view it sends. Hopefully, John03 is having the same experience with his.
This is a great guide. I believe vehicle tracking is a must-have technology for all responsible vehicle owners.
I've been using a tracker on my 2012 LR4 for a few months now and it works great. (DB1 from Rewire Security)
It has great features like geo-fence, movement and speed alerts but the best one is being able to locate my car using my phone..

Much the same as the system I and a few others on this post have been using, out of curiosity how much does your system cost?
@John03 just wondering if everything is still good with the tracker?
Thinking of getting a DIY one same as you.
Yup system works a treat thanks for asking and with a running cost of £5 a month for text messages I think its the dogs. The proof is in the pudding though so would like to hear some good stories of vehicles being recovered because of the tracker after being stolen.
Yup system works a treat thanks for asking and with a running cost of £5 a month for text messages I think its the dogs. The proof is in the pudding though so would like to hear some good stories of vehicles being recovered because of the tracker after being stolen.
I know what you are saying, John. :) But, I hope it's not mine that has to put it to the ultimate test! :eek:
I know what you are saying, John. :) But, I hope it's not mine that has to put it to the ultimate test! :eek:
I honestly hope nobody's gets put to the test, it would be nice to think that Landrovers are so respected that nobody will even dare think about stealing them ever again
I've paid £85 for the tracker John, and £10 for 1 year subscription for tracking website and mobile apps.
This one:

Looks like a very interesting little unit myself and one or two others on hear paid about £30 for our system, no subscription charges just the cost of a sim card which is £5 a month with giff gaff but you can use other sim's if you find a cheaper one. You can track and control the unit on an app or a website and has the geofence, movement door open, ignition on/off, speed detection and the ability to kill the fuel pump. You can also call the unit up and listen in.
That sounds great.. and cheap :)
Is it the one on the guide on page 8

yup thats the one. The only difference with your one is that I think it uses the newer GPS system so meant to be more accurate than the one I have, but I've never had any problems with accuracy. GPS never lets me down but have been let down by SIM card reception in some places.
I have looked at these devices and all seem to work well, but the GPS ones can be jammed fairly easily (so l am told)

Although any tracking device going to massively increase the chances of recovering the vehicle.

As far as l know there is only one tracking device that uses GPS plus another trasmission system as a backup, which makes it much harder to jam.
As this tracking device has an installation cost of £300+ and subscription of over £150 per year it would be great if another company could produce a dual mode tracking device that cost less.
l guess the problem is with the infrastructure, l think the Police carry the receivers for that system and l am not sure it would be easy for another company to do it.
The problem with all of these cheap ones is that you need to find the vehicle yourself and possibly be confronted with a bunch of feral scrotes. IMO it is better to pay the extra for a monitored service that liases with the police when vehicle is stolen.
I was looking at Skytrack, they work with the police etc. and you can pay £12 a month and view the location yourself - £5 or something just for stolen location tracking, which I guess is all you need - unless you suspect SWMBO is stepping out on you...

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