
Well-Known Member
Received my information back from DVLA
It's a bit rough and needs a good sort but does show every owner, address and the colour, style and engine...
Gone from soft-top petrol in green to van top, black and diesel
Makes interesting reading and just the start of my investigations, hoping to find pictures, old mots, tax discs and a little bit about use and repairs/mods they may have done....
Only cost £5 and well worth it
Received my information back from DVLA
It's a bit rough and needs a good sort but does show every owner, address and the colour, style and engine...
Gone from soft-top petrol in green to van top, black and diesel
Makes interesting reading and just the start of my investigations, hoping to find pictures, old mots, tax discs and a little bit about use and repairs/mods they may have done....
Only cost £5 and well worth it
Would like some info on mine too.
Where do you get it from Mate?? is there a link to the DVLA Site??
It's a v888 form chaps - easily found on google and fairly self explanatory.

Just a note though, when the dvla records were computerised in the 70s, some data was lost. As such, they can't guarantee information from before then.

My 1960 s2 had loads of info back from the day it was registered, yet my 59 s2 only had info back to the 70s.

Great for newer vehicles though !!! Good luck!
Beat me to it to rom, ty
Took about 4 weeks to arrive back and luckily mine was registered 1970 and they had all the info for it, they did however say that the old log book type docs were put onto microfiche but how you would get copies I don't know.

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