rollin danny

Well-Known Member
I finally got round to sticking the veg oil in I bought cheap last year at Tesco. I had a problem with a weak lift pump and air getting in the fuel system round the sedimenter. Tried veggie oil in the past but it would stall at junctions. new lift pump on and bypass the sedimenter and its running great on 50/50 veg /diesel. Just need to find where I can get the oil cheap now. Only drawback is I have to stop at every Kentucky fried chicken cos the smell gives you hunger pangs, so whats saved on diesel gets spent on takeaway :D
Tesco online are showing 3ltr pure vegetable oil [ rapeseed oil] £2.91. Rapeseed is best as its the thinnest oil.
Tesco £2.96 for 3 litres or JJ Foodservice do 10litre pet bottles for £9.99 not many branches though, but you don't need to be trade to register.
Yeah,me too at asda ! a couple of years ago Lidl had some cheap and I was about to run out so I bought a load of 1 lt bottles and spent 20 mins pouring it in. By the time the third person came over to ask "doesnt that mess your engine up?" I started to reply "Yes! It does! Im blowing up a 5 grand motor for a laugh! Wanna join in?Wheres YOUR car?" to everyone. THAT got some funny looks...even in cornwall !

I must add that I was driving my spanking perfect ES auto blingthing at the time,hence the 5K comment...........
I switched from Tesco to Asda, far cheaper than wholesalers at the moment. With mine, I have to mix about 50/50, but at this time of year last year, I was running my Lucida on 100% with no issues.
The disco was lumpy as hell and I've had one too many jump starts in the cooler mornings, but a new fuel filter seems to have made things a little less scary at junctions in the morning.
I put in 3 litres today at Morrissons in the carpark, no one saw me but I was a little scared of putting in too much.
I had just under half a tank so put one large bottle in to bring it up to half, seems to be working alright at the mo so will probably add more into the mix so like another 4 bottles then fill the tank up fully with diesel.
Biggest pain in the arse with supermarket stuff is getting rid of all the bottles:D

Lol, I dont have any problem I live in flats with communial Bins....:D:D:D:D,

now put in 30 trs of diesel on and 30 ltrs of SVO in on the 3rd May, used that, put in another 60Ltrs of 50/50 on the 6th May, used about 1/2 of that as well, seems no differnace to me may be a wee bit quiter, but seems to work the same, MPG seems not to have suffered either, so I'll be useing it from now on, may even try 30/70 in SVO favour see what happens.
Is there any age you shouldn't use SVO in?

I used SVO in my 406 when it was about £1 a liter, then SVO went up to a bit more than 115p when diesel went up so there was no point.

The seals in older fuel pumps weren't up to veg oil, or so they said, but the 406 was supposed to be OK.

With the prices as they are I'm up for bunging SVO in my 300TDi. Road diesel has 7% RME in now so I recon all the scare stories are just that.

IIRC the fuel economy started to head south if I put more than 50% veg oil in so I ran it on that.
I've been using veg oil in various landies for several years. Have run 100% in 200tdi's with no problems in the warmer months. 80% in the winter. The 300 tdi I have now feels like it has a little bit more pull in it using veg oil. I've never noticed any difference mpg wise but at a saving of over 40p a litre who cares anyway.
OK time to try this out.
I brimmed the tank on Friday from near empty (£107 :eek: ).

I've done 120 miles since then and this included a pay and play session.
I'll brim it again and use 1/2 a tank of pure diesel, and then work out what MPG was achieved on straight diesel.

I'll then start adding increasing levels of veg oil. Is the Tesco stuff OK, currently £2.93 for 3L.
Will be interesting to see what the results are.
Someone mentioned rapeseed oil, but that appears more expensive than derv?

Also any precautions worth taking apart from:
Keep receipts & mileage incase of being checked by customs and excise.
New fuel filter (due anyway).
Clean out sedimenter (due anyway).

BTW its a D1 300 TDi auto.
if you've got a tdi engine you can happily run on at least 80% veg 20%diesel mix at the mo with no probs. If you really want to save money mix the oil with 5% unleaded and forget the diesel.

or just use wvo and don't pay anything ;)
OK time to try this out.
I brimmed the tank on Friday from near empty (£107 :eek: ).

I've done 120 miles since then and this included a pay and play session.
I'll brim it again and use 1/2 a tank of pure diesel, and then work out what MPG was achieved on straight diesel.

I'll then start adding increasing levels of veg oil. Is the Tesco stuff OK, currently £2.93 for 3L.
Will be interesting to see what the results are.
Someone mentioned rapeseed oil, but that appears more expensive than derv?

Also any precautions worth taking apart from:
Keep receipts & mileage incase of being checked by customs and excise.
New fuel filter (due anyway).
Clean out sedimenter (due anyway).

BTW its a D1 300 TDi auto.


I have used the ASDA veg oil which if you look at whats in the bottle its 100% rapeseed oil, and its £2.93 for 3 ltrs so less then a £1 per Ltr

The oil is thicker then diesel so rubbish on the bottom of tank will be held in suspention easier, therefore change the filter so people say.

With the amount of milage I do Nick I have found no diffeance in MPG, just its costing my about £12 to £15 per tank cheaper, seeing i fill up upto twice a week at the mo its saved me a few pounds.

Just keep a list of milage and when you put it in and your recipts, noraml Tax'y type things. dont forget your allowance is only 2500 Ltrs in a rolling 12 months.

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