The danger is it will clog up your injectors. There are quite a lot of posts around this theme and the concensus is don't do it. If I remember rightly there's a post on this somewhere from ChearlesY, and he's good at explaining the technical stuff. Think about the small amount of money you're saving as against the cost of putting it right if it goes wrong. No way I'd stick it in mine, although as I say it seems happy on 50% bio-d - runs better in fact. The TD5 is a very different engine from the TDi's.

Sound advice. Thanks.
Just an update for anyone following our exploits of the chippy world................

Two PM`s between me and theshanclan (posted with permission ;) before anyone mentions banning)

PM`s posted in reverse order :doh:

J.P.S said:
Hiya thanks for the reply

Well we both have the same symptoms so im happy, everything you have stated is exactly the same as mine, I have wound my turbo and fuel pump up, (also fitted a turbo gauge so as to know im not gonna blow a head or melt a piston) I found since the tune up the low end idling improved and the pull away in first is phenominal! The issue regarding the feeling of lack of power just under 2000 revs still exists if driven gently! However if i give it then its just not there at all! Regarding fuel filters my first change was 500 miles and thereafter im looking at once a month, but do carry a spare just in case!! My 80 percent is more of a guess! as i get oil every two weeks and filter over twelve days, now week one will be a quarter tank of diesel to three quarters oil, week two i will add only oil! and then start over again, if this makes sence?? I have also noticed that the engine oil seems to stay cleaner and not smell so bad which must be a plus point! Anyway great to hear from ya and that we are both getting the same results, it makes me much happier, im thinking (if its ok with you???) That i will post them in the veg oil thread that you started so as other people can look and gain a better understanding/insight of what is going on!

But again thanks for the coms and keep burning the oil, its great!

Have a good one................Jethro

theshanclan said:

I was running 100% for about 500 miles. I then got a power issue - juddery at low revs and loss of top speed. This felt like fuel starvation - I changed the filter and I haven't had an issue since. Lots of people say you need to change filters after 500 to 1000 miles so this is normal - the thick veg oil lifts all the crap out of your tank. I certainly saw this when I used an old jerry can I usually use for red - loads of rubbish came out with the veg oil.

I ran another 600 miles or so at 100%, but I have been using diesel for a couple of weeks because I haven't got round to sorting out my tank and filter to get some more filtered oil ready. I am not doing huge miles at the moment.

It is smokey at start up for a few hundred yards then everything is fine. I make sure I don't rev too much when it is cold. There can be an issue with unburnt veg oil getting past the rings and 'gumming up the engine.' I though this was an urban myth, but I had a local LR independent confirm that they have seen this happen. I spilt some oil on my paintwork and it went really gummy and was a bugger to get off. i wouldn't want this stuff going anywhere it isn't supposed to be inside the engine.

I guess I am runnning more of a risk at 100% than at 80%.

On 100% veg it is sometimes a little odd at low revs - it can idle quite high and sometimes the engine 'hunts' a little when idling - but no real problems once it is moving.

I suggest you try changing the fuel filter if you haven't already.


So anyone else running a 200 have any similar issues???
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When I was running my 300tdi on veg oil I went for about 70-80% SVO and 20-30% diesel. I ran on rapeseed oil. The only problems I had was the smoke for about 30 seconds after start-up and slightly juddery in cold weather.

Some of the oils available had anti-foaming agents. These are not suitable to go in your engine. How do you know the WVO you are using doesn't contain anti-foaming agents?

I never had a nasty sticky mess on my paintwork if I spilt any.

I can get my hands on around 50 litres of WVO a week if I want it. There is no way I would ever put it in my engine.

I would never put bio-fuel in my landy either. The number of companies that have palm oil in with their mix is unreal.
i know a man who knows a man who knows a man;) who runs his diahatsu and shogun on heating oil mixed with red, no filtering or faffing just waps it in and off he goes:)
i know a man who knows a man who knows a man;) who runs his diahatsu and shogun on heating oil mixed with red, no filtering or faffing just waps it in and off he goes:)

lets hope he doesnt get dipped, or he's be on his bike in future
oh, and you can tell if a SVO has anti foaming agent, because if it doesn't then it has a calorific value of about 900 per 100 ml and if it does then it's down to about 816.
what's wrong with palm oil (other than the environmental side of it)?

It gets very thick when cold and therefore gels. I went out to loads of vehicles that were not starting after putting bio fuel in over winter. After making a few enquiries it turned out that suppliers were 'palming' (scuse the pun:D) palm oil off as being vege oil. My blowtorch's never had so much use.

oh, and you can tell if a SVO has anti foaming agent, because if it doesn't then it has a calorific value of about 900 per 100 ml and if it does then it's down to about 816.

If you are being given WVO in unmarked containers you don't know wether they have anti-foaming agents. Most oils used in chippies and kebeb shops etc DO have anti-foaming agents in em.
It gets very thick when cold and therefore gels. I went out to loads of vehicles that were not starting after putting bio fuel in over winter. After making a few enquiries it turned out that suppliers were 'palming' (scuse the pun:D) palm oil off as being vege oil. My blowtorch's never had so much use.

If you are being given WVO in unmarked containers you don't know wether they have anti-foaming agents. Most oils used in chippies and kebeb shops etc DO have anti-foaming agents in em.

as does Asda 3 litres (as i found when i wouldn't start one morning after using it and had topush start down the hill with the result of an immense almost solid cloud of filthy grey smoke, much to the terror of the queue of cars behind me and the doris!!!)
Does this also apply to using alterative fuels in a petrol engine or have we to pay the tax??:confused:

it applies to any purely biological alternatives.. which as far as I know there are'nt any..

there are reduced taxes on LPG and ethanol though.. but ethanol is hard to find..
Dunno if the anti foaming agent does any harm but it makes smoke when I've used it. Pure veg oil doesn't. The problem with used oil is you don't know what's in it same goes for a lot of the "biodiesel" that slightly godgy geezers are flogging around the country.
I am using an oil with anti-foaming agent. I have searched far and wide for evidence that this does harm, but I can't find any. Mine contains E900 Dimethyl Polysiloxane which seems to be a common anti-foamer in foodstuffs including chicken nuggets and Diet Pepsi. I think you are going to find this in most oils used for commercial catering.

If anyone has seen any evidence that anti-foamers do harm please post it here. For the meantime I am carrying on being an idiot...

Defoamer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am using an oil with anti-foaming agent. I have searched far and wide for evidence that this does harm, but I can't find any. Mine contains E900 Dimethyl Polysiloxane which seems to be a common anti-foamer in foodstuffs including chicken nuggets and Diet Pepsi. I think you are going to find this in most oils used for commercial catering.

If anyone has seen any evidence that anti-foamers do harm please post it here. For the meantime I am carrying on being an idiot...

Defoamer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You have said yourself that the pair of you that are using WVO containing anti foaming agents are experiencing juddering and smoke etc. There are many of us that have used SVO without antifoaming agents that have had no issues at all. All those that have tried svo with anti-foaming agents have experienced difficulties. It's up to you but I won't risk my engine to save a few quid.
There used to be a guy on the forum by the name of Veggielandy. He blew his up on veg oil.:(

Anyone remember the problems with dodgy supermarket fuels a couple of years back? That was anti-foaming agents.:doh::doh::doh:
I seem to remember that on the v5 of me old series it had heavy oil as a fuel class.
It certainley didnee bother with sump,veg or doisel for that matter and never frothed at the mouth.
All I know is I had smoke with the anti foaming but none with pure oil. Didn't experience any other issues but I'm not using it any more just in case. I used to use it in my old 2.5td and didn't care if it blew up as I was always planning on replacing it. However the tdi I'm running now I'm planning on keeping long term so a bit more cautious.

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