
New Member
Just recently bought a 1996 defender90 with the 300 tdi engine.
I`ve heard you can 'add' vegetable oil to the diesel to make it more economical.

1...Is this true?
2...Do i need to pre-mix veg oil & diesel?
3...Will it affect performance?
4...What ratio of mixture s recommended (ie...50/50? 60/40/ etc....)
5...will it do any long term damage to the engine?
6...Will my car smell like a chippy?

If anybody could enlighten me, i`d be very grateful. :)

Yeah its true, these diesels will run on about anything, the question is not what, more how good is it for your engine, i.e. straight kero is to thin, and offers no lubrication to the IP, however add enough oil and it will be fine.

If you want to use straight veg oil, I would advise cheapo oil from cash and carry to save you filtering it etc...

Everytime you fill your tank blast 20/30 litres in, that will be fine... it will mix in the tank... put it in first, then fill the tank, the diesel coming down the filler will give it a good churn up.

Veg oil on its own is quite thick, and not as good on its own for your pumps etc so don't be tempted to run it straight or on little DERV.

You will be fine with about 60% DERV, 40% Veg oil.

Remember you can get done for it if customs and excise dip you and find its not diesel looking... although its not red so you should be fine.
Its also not agood idea to come on here and talk about putting veggie oil in your motor, as every tom, dick and harry is looking and then grassing you up. The cops easily get a whiff of what your upto and soon enough it will become an issue and will be dealt with. The best way to do things is simple. Go to the tax man and tell him you want to pay (I know, I dont like paying but lifes a bitch). That way you can pay some tax, still get cheap fuel and not have to worry about the serious consequences that may unfold.

While on a similar subject - if some eejit (OK, it was me) puts unleaded in the tank instead of diesel what are the long term consequences? I practically ran dry before putting it in so it ran for about 40 miles on unleaded before it twigged why there was a shortage of power. At that point i filled the tank with diesel (so is now about 70% diesel and 30% petrol).
you need to drain yer tamk and fill it with diesel. the maximum miture to be ok is 10% petrol, remember to put a new fuel filter on too, if you carry on you will knacker you injection pump ;)
aye, garages usually charge anything from 75-100 quid to do this but its easy enough to do yerself ;)
I've got a siphon somewhere (or I'll use a tube and me mouth...) so will be easy enough to do that. And the fuel filter ought to be done anyway.

Anyone want 50 litres of best quality diesel/petrol mix?
the waste fuel is completely useless, unless you are having a bonfire. petrol and diesel are miscible(once mixed they can't be seperated), unless you are brave enough to burn the petrol off and then the diesel remains. the easiest way of getting rid of it is to put it into 5litre containers and take it to the tip, tell yon man its waste engine oil and he will let you put it a tank. ;)
I should remove as much as practical and add it back to the tank over a period of time - a bit of petrol in the diesel won't hurt much and it saves wasting it...
Spandit said:
I should remove as much as practical and add it back to the tank over a period of time - a bit of petrol in the diesel won't hurt much and it saves wasting it...

the problem is storage, this mixture is a volatile liquid that is extremly flammable, and is it really worth keeping it and adding 1litre for every tenners worth of diesel. i think not ;)
To be honest it's probably easier than trying to dispose of it. I've got two 20l jerry cans so that's not a problem. And 1 can (of 30% mix) per tank works out at 10% mix per tank.
Anyway, thanks for your advice on what to do. I'll try and have me wits about me next time I fill up...
You could just save it and slop it all over your gearbox next time you have it out so it's nce and clean to work on.

As for having your wits about you, Pah! I can't remember what that is.
Seem to be a lot of fairly new members on various 4x4 sites asking about veg oil? Wonder why?
The tax-man cometh:eek:
Many thanks for the enlightenment! :0)
Didn`t realise you could actually get 'done' for putting cheaper additives in with your diesel?......but i do now. :0)

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