
before you all shout i just wanted a straight yes or no to whether i can stick some in the DHSE? i done a quick search but couldnt find anything on the BMW unit. What experience's have people got if any?

Morning Briggsy

I run My P38 2.5 on Pump Biodiesel to DIN41606 EN Norm EN14214 which is a BSI norm too.

I have had complete trouble free motoring and do in the region of 40-45,000 miles a Yr

Changed the fuel filter after the first couple of tanks to ensure no gunge was moving through the system.

On ave I put a full tank of bio through every other fueling mainly due to avalibilty of Bio whilst on my travels

Bio this morning in Frankfurt was priced at 80p a ltr compared with min diesel at about 91p a ltr

dont know if you have been to this site

Biodiesel Approval
Morning all
Yep ,i run veg oil in my DSE..
Dependent on how cold it is, as to how much i mix...Just pour it in ( i only use new stuff) and go..Never noticed a drop in performance,or starting problems etc..

Be honest though, unless your doing the mileage . I personally, am beggining to wonder if its worth it. Cheapest place round here is Tesco buying it in 3ltr bottles (biggest i can find)
For this you gotta go and buy a trolley full each week...You get some strange looks.....Then you cant just pour it in,,gotta put it in a watercan first (because of the pourer) ...Then get rid of all the plastic bottles....

Then you got to either rely on not getting stopped..Or do all the paperwork,and pay yer 27p per litre tax..
Worth it? Yes/No ? But as i say, i do and vehicles not effected..
Now I'm interested, do tell us more, how much veg oil vs diesel do I use, is there a particular type of oil to buy, i.e. corn oil, sunflower oil etc, is there any performance hit or smell or smoke issues? How many miles have you covered?
thansk for all your reply's. so just to sum up then, my dhse will run fine on veg oil and bio-diesel, unfortunatly no outlets near me. as there is a wide variety of veg oil are there any suggestions of what make and what oil? as i would only really consider if there was a financial saving.

Having done lots of reading up on this and asked lots of diesel driving friends about the subject, I have come to the conclusion that with veg oil at around 80p a litre now and the cost of the kit to run the car on it without gumming everything up it doesn't seem worthwhile. I have looked into the option of biodiesel and with the nearest outlet being 20 miles each way on a route that I seldom use, at 97p a litre it just doesn't cover the cost of going there to fill up. There just doesn't seem to be the benefit to make it worthwhile.
It seems to me that if the government were serious about emmissions and not just taxing us all to death (now that you mention it, even after death!) then without the duty, biodiesel could be as cheap as about 40p a litre!!:mad:
I'll get down off the soapbox now!!
There you go Bigandyt youve hit the nail on the head

In the UK preseure could be made quite simply by all those that use on the big chain suppermarkets to fill up each week

God knows they go on with the bio-food and their corporate conscience - & in the next moment nailing down thier suppliers to low profit margin whislt the UK food retailers are some if not the most profitable in the world!

If many people started asking the big supermarkets -
"why dont you sell bio-diesel"
iam sure within 6 months there would be a pump designated to it at every superstore! (supermarkets are all very receptive to comment)

Then the oil companies would have to get their acts together and puting bio as a alternative / compliment on their fore-courts.

As it is its left up to people to mix-up back-shed brews!

Ok the pricing in the UK would have to be competative - but even if it was priced slightly higher - those watching their "carbon-waistlines" would even participate.

stepping down off me soapbox for a slugg of rape-seed oil

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