
New Member
Hi All,
Sainsburys,tesco and asda are all selling their veg oil at £2.21/3liters,I find this very suspiciously like price fixing,can any lz members out there in europe enlighten us on the price of veg oil abroad

Regards Steve
Its £2.07 for 3 litres in the supermarkets here. It is price fixed more or less, they watch each others prices and keep them fairly close...
its not just the supermarkets as the warehouses are the same or more than the big supermarkets.The cost of veg oil has risen by over 50% in the last 12 months.Enquires to wholesale retailers has just resulted in them taking the **** and asking £17/20litres only if bought in mass bulk
Last year veggie oil was about 44p a litre here in essex:) , Now its about 80p.:(
Some one, some where is cashing in, and it's not me:eek:
56p a litre in some Tescos and Sainsburys in Cornwall. Own brand ones are all 2.21 for 3, go for pura. Bit of a pain emptying it in one litre bottles, but so long as it keeps the cash out of Golden Brown's pockets.
Just bought 12 bottles at Tescos 3L at £2.21 which is 73p/L and diesel is £1.10 and its going up again soon. I think its worth doing. on a tankful there is a substantial saving even on 50/50
I'm just back from buying 20 litres for £11.20 at Tesco - do they price it differentl or supply different things depending on where you are in the country???
Yep and they price match according to local prices. So if someone else is selling oil cheap in certain location then they will reduce their price in that area.
Normally Cornwall is rip-off county supremo coz it's full of old retired rich fookers who can't be arsed to look for a bargain or haggle for anything so money talks and they just pay what's asked, looks like we've a good deal for once!

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